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1 - Create a user

This HOWTO provides the steps to create a user via the Stroom User Interface.


The following assumptions are used in this document.

  • An account with the Administrator Application Permission is currently logged in.
  • We will be adding the user burn
  • We will make this user an Administrator

Add a new user

To add a new user, move your cursor to the Tools item of the Main Menu and select to bring up the Tools sub-menu.


Stroom UI Tools sub-menu

then move down and select the Users and Groups sub-item to be presented with the Users and Groups configuration window as seen below.


Stroom UI New User - Users and Groups configuration

To add the user, move the cursor to the New icon in the top left and select it. On selection you will be prompted for a user name. In our case we will enter the user burn.


Stroom UI New User - Add User

and on pressing OK will be presented with the User configuration window.


Stroom UI New User - User configuration

Set the User Application Permissions

See Permissions for an explanation of the various Application Permissions a user can have.

Assign an Administrator Permission

As we want the user to be an administrator, select the Administrator Permission check-box


Stroom UI New User - User configuration - set administrator permission

Set User’s Password

We need to set burn's password (which he will need to reset on first login). So, select the Reset Password button to gain the Reset Password window


Stroom UI New User - User configuration - reset password

After setting a password and pressing the OK button we get the informational Alert window as per


Stroom UI New User - User configuration - reset password complete

and on close of the Alert we are presented again with the User configuration window.


Stroom UI New User - User configuration - user added

We should close this window by pressing the Close button to be presented with the Users and Groups window with the new user burn added.


Stroom UI New User - User configuration - show user added

At this, one can close the Users and Groups configuration window by pressing the Close button at the bottom right of the window.

2 - Login

This HOWTO shows how to log into the Stroom User Interface.


The following assumptions are used in this document.

  • for manual login, we will log in as the user admin whose password is set to admin and the password is pre-expired
  • for PKI Certificate login, the Stroom deployment would have been configured to accept PKI Logins

Manual Login

Within the Login panel, enter admin into the User Name: entry box and admin into the Password: entry box as per


Stroom UI Login - logging in as admin

When you press the Login button, you are advised that your user’s password has expired and you need to change it.


Stroom UI Login - password expiry

Press the OK button and enter the old password admin and a new password with confirmation in the appropriate entry boxes.


Stroom UI Login - password change

Again press the OK button to see the confirmation that the password has changed.


Stroom UI Login - password change confirmation

On pressing Close you will be logged in as the admin user and you will be presented with the Main Menu (Item Tools Monitoring User Help), and the Explorer and Welcome panels (or tabs).


Stroom UI Login - user logged in

We have now successfully logged on as the admin user.

The next time you login with this account, you will not be prompted to change the password until the password expiry period has been met.

PKI Certificate Login

To login using a PKI Certificate, a user should have their Personal PKI certificate loaded in the browser (and selected if you have multiple certificates) and the user just needs to go to the Stroom UI URL, and providing you have an account, you will be automatically logged in.

3 - Logout

This HOWTO shows how to log out of the Stroom User Interface.


The following assumptions are used in this document.

  • the user admin is currently logged in

Log out of UI

To log out of the UI, select the User item of the Main Menu and to bring up the User sub-menu.


Stroom UI - User Sub-menu

and select the Logout sub-item and confirm you wish to log out by selecting the OK button.


Stroom UI - User Logout

This will return you to the Login page


Stroom UI Login Page