1 - Single Node Docker Installation

How to install a Single node instance of Stroom using Docker containers.

Running Stroom in Docker is the quickest and easiest way to get Stroom up and running. Using Docker means you don’t need to install the right versions of dependencies like Java or MySQL or get them configured corectly for Stroom.

Stroom Docker stacks

Stroom has a number of predefined stacks that combine multiple docker containers into a fully functioning Stroom. The docker stacks are aimed primarily at single node instances or for evaluation/test. If you want to deploy a Stroom cluster using containers then you should use Kubernetes.

At the moment the usable stacks are:


A production single node stroom.



A single node stroom for test/evalutaion, pre-loaded with content. Also includes a remote proxy for demonstration purposes.



A remote proxy stack for aggregating and forwarding logs to stroom(-proxy).



An Nginx instance for running stroom without Docker.



In order to run Stroom using Docker you will need the following installed on the machine you intend to run Stroom on:

Install steps

This will install the core stack (Stroom and the peripheral services required to run Stroom).

Visit stroom-resources/releases to find the latest stack release. The Stroom stack comes in a number of different variants:

  • stroom_core_test - If you are just evaluating Stroom or just want to see it running then download the stroom_core_test*.tar.gz stack which includes some pre-loaded content.
  • stroom_core - If it is for an actual deployment of Stroom then download stroom_core*.tar.gz, which has no content and requires some configuration.

Using stroom_core_test-v7.0-beta.175.tar.gz as an example:

# Define the version to download
VERSION="v7.0-beta.175"; STACK="stroom_core_test"
# Download and extract the Stroom stack
curl -sL "https://github.com/gchq/stroom-resources/releases/download/stroom-stacks-${VERSION}/${STACK}-${VERSION}.tar.gz" | tar xz
# Navigate into the new stack directory, where xxxx is the directory that has just been created
cd "${STACK}-${VERSION}"
# Start the stack

Alternatively if you understand the risks of redirecting web sourced content direct to bash, you can get the latest stroom_core_test release using:

# Download and extract the laStroom stack
bash <(curl -s https://gchq.github.io/stroom-resources/v7.0/get_stroom.sh)
# Navigate into the new stack directory
cd stroom_core_test/stroom_core_test*
# Start the stack

On first run stroom will build the database schemas so this can take a minute or two. The start.sh script will provide details of the various URLs that are available.

Open a browser (preferably Chrome) at https://localhost and login with:

  • username: admin
  • password: admin

The stroom stack comes supplied with self-signed certificates so you may need to accept a prompt warning you about visiting an untrusted site.


To configure your new instance see Configuration.

2 - Configuration

Stroom and its associated services can be deployed in may ways (single node docker stack, non-docker cluster, kubernetes, etc). This document will cover two types of deployment:

  • Single node stroom_core docker stack.
  • A mixed deployment with nginx in docker and stroom, stroom-proxy and the database not in docker.

This document will explain how each application/service is configured and where its configuration files live.

Application Configuration

The following sections provide links to how to configure each application.

General configuration of docker stacks

Environment variables

The stroom docker stacks have a single env file <stack name>.env that acts as a single point to configure some aspects of the stack. Setting values in the env file can be useful when the value is shared between multiple containers. This env file sets environment variables that are then used for variable substitution in the docker compose YAML files, e.g.


In this example the environment variable STROOM_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD is read and used to set the environment variable MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD in the docker container. If STROOM_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD is not set then the value my-secret-pw is used instead.

The environment variables set in the env file are NOT automatically visible inside the containers. Only those environment variables defined in the environment section of the docker-compose YAML files are visible. These environment entries can either be hard coded values or use environment variables from outside the container. In some case the names in the env file and the names of the environment variables set in the containers are the same, in some they are different.

The environment variables set in the containers can then be used by the application running in each container to set its configuration. For example, stroom’s config.yml file also uses variable substitution, e.g.

    jdbcDriverClassName: "${STROOM_JDBC_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME:-com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver}"

In this example jdbcDriverUrl will be set to the value of environment variable STROOM_JDBC_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME or com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver if that is not set.

The following example shows how setting MY_ENV_VAR=123 means myProperty will ultimately get a value of 123 and not its default of 789.

env file (stroom<stack name>.env) - MY_ENV_VAR=123
                | environment variable substitution
docker compose YAML (01_stroom.yml) - STROOM_ENV_VAR=${MY_ENV_VAR:-456}
                | environment variable substitution
Stroom configuration file (config.yml) - myProperty: "${STROOM_ENV_VAR:-789}"

Note that environment variables are only set into the container on start. Any changes to the env file will not take effect until the container is (re)started.

Configuration files

The following shows the basic structure of a stack with respect to the location of the configuration files:

── stroom_core_test-vX.Y.Z
   ├── config                [stack env file and docker compose YAML files]
   └── volumes
       └── <service>
           └── conf/config   [service specifc configuration files]

Some aspects of configuration do not lend themselves to environment variable substitution, e.g. deeply nested parts of stroom’s config.yml. In these instances it may be necessary to have static configuration files that have no connection to the env file or only use environment variables for some values.

Bind mounts

Everything in the stack volumes directory is bind-mounted into the named docker container but is mounted read-only to the container. This allows configuration files to be read by the container but not modified.

Typically the bind mounts mount a directory into the container, though in the case of the stroom-all-dbs.cnf file, the file is mounted. The mounts are done using the inode of the file/directory rather than the name, so docker will mount whatever the inode points to even if the name changes. If for instance the stroom-all-dbs.cnf file is renamed to stroom-all-dbs.cnf.old then copied to stroom-all-dbs.cnf and then the new version modified, the container would still see the old file.

Docker managed volumes

When stroom is running various forms of data are persisted, e.g. stroom’s stream store, stroom-all-dbs database files, etc. All this data is stored in docker managed volumes. By default these will be located in /var/lib/docker/volumes/<volume name>/_data and root/sudo access will be needed to access these directories.

Docker data root


By default Docker stores all its images, container layers and managed volumes in its default data root directory which defaults to /var/lib/docker. It is typical in server deployments for the root file system to be kept fairly small and this is likely to result in the root file system running out of space due to the growth in docker images/layers/volumes in /var/lib/docker. It is therefore strongly recommended to move the docker data root to another location with more space.

There are various options for achieving this. In all cases the docker daemon should be stopped prior to making the changes, e.g. service docker stop, then started afterwards.

  • Symlink - One option is to move the var/lib/docker directory to a new location then create a symlink to it. For example:

    ln -s /large_mount/docker_data_root /var/lib/docker

    This has the advantage that anyone unaware that the data root has moved will be able to easily find it if they look in the default location.

  • Configuration - The location can be changed by adding this key to the file /etc/docker/daemon.json (or creating this file if it doesn’t exist.

      "data-root": "/mnt/docker"
  • Mount - If your intention is to use a whole storage device for the docker data root then you can mount that device to /var/lib/docker. You will need to make a copy of the /var/lib/docker directory prior to doing this then copy it mount once created. The process for setting up this mount will be OS dependent and is outside the scope of this document.

Active services

Each stroom docker stack comes pre-built with a number of different services, e.g. the stroom_core stack contains the following:

  • stroom
  • stroom-proxy-local
  • stroom-all-dbs
  • nginx
  • stroom-log-sender

While you can pass a set of service names to the commands like start.sh and stop.sh, it may sometimes be required to configure the stack instance to only have a set of services active. You can set the active services like so:

./set_services.sh stroom stroom-all-dbs nginx

In the above example and subsequent use of commands like start.sh and stop.sh with no named services would only act upon the active services set by set_services.sh. This list of active services is held in ACTIVE_SERVICES.txt and the full list of available services is held in ALL_SERVICES.txt.


A number of the services in the docker stacks will make use of SSL certificates/keys in various forms. The certificate/key files are typically found in the directories volumes/<service>/certs/.

The stacks come with a set of client/server certificates that can be used for demo/test purposes. For production deployments these should be replaced with the actual certificates/keys for your environment.

In general the best approach to configuring the certificates/keys is to replace the existing files with symlinks to the actual files. For example in the case of the server certificates for nginx (found in volumes/nginx/certs/) the directory would look like:

ca.pem.crt -> /some/path/to/certificate_authority.pem.crt
server.pem.crt -> /some/path/to/host123.pem.crt
server.unencrypted.key -> /some/path/to/host123.key

This approach avoids the need to change any configuration files to reference differently named certificate/key files and avoids having to copy your real certificates/keys into multiple places.

For examples of how to create certificates, keys and keystores see creatCerts.sh

2.1 - Nginx Configuration

Configuring Nginx for use with Stroom and Stroom Proxy.

Nginx is the standard web server used by stroom. Its primary role is SSL termination and reverse proxying for stroom and stroom-proxy that sit behind it. It can also load balance incoming requests and ensure traffic from the same source is always route to the same upstream instance. Other web servers can be used if required but their installation/configuration is out of the scope of this documentation.

Without Docker

The standard way of deploying Nginx with stroom running without docker involves running Nginx as part of the services stack. See below for details of how to configure it. If you want to deploy Nginx without docker then you can but that is outside the scope of the this documentation.

As part of a docker stack

Nginx is included in all the stroom docker stacks. Nginx is configured using multiple configuration files to aid clarity and allow reuse of sections of configuration. The main file for configuring Nginx is nginx.conf.template and this makes use of other files via include statements.

The purpose of the various files is as follows:

  • nginx.conf.template - Top level configuration file that orchestrate the other files.
  • logging.conf.template - Configures the logging output, its content and format.
  • server.conf.template - Configures things like SSL settings, timeouts, ports, buffering, etc.
  • Upstream configuration
    • upstreams.stroom.ui.conf.template - Defines the upstream host(s) for stroom node(s) that are dedicated to serving the user interface.
    • upstreams.stroom.processing.conf.template - Defines the upstream host(s) for stroom node(s) that are dedicated to stream processing and direct data receipt.
    • upstreams.proxy.conf.template - Defines the upstream host(s) for local stroom-proxy node(s).
  • Location configuration
    • locations_defaults.conf.template - Defines some default directives (e.g. headers) for configuring stroom paths.
    • proxy_location_defaults.conf.template - Defines some default directives (e.g. headers) for configuring stroom-proxy paths.
    • locations.proxy.conf.template - Defines the various paths (e.g/ /datafeed) that will be reverse proxied to stroom-proxy hosts.
    • locations.stroom.conf.template - Defines the various paths (e.g/ /datafeeddirect) that will be reverse proxied to stroom hosts.


The nginx container has been configured to support using environment variables passed into it to set values in the Nginx configuration files. It should be noted that recent versions of Nginx have templating support built in. The templating mechanism used in stroom’s Nginx container was set up before this existed but achieves the same result.

All non-default configuration files for Nginx should be placed in volumes/nginx/conf/ and named with the suffix .template (even if no templating is needed). When the container starts any variables in these templates will be substituted and the resulting files will be copied into /etc/nginx. The result of the template substitution is logged to help with debugging.

The files can contain templating of the form:

ssl_certificate             /stroom-nginx/certs/<<<NGINX_SSL_CERTIFICATE>>>;

In this example <<<NGINX_SSL_CERTIFICATE>>> will be replaced with the value of environment variable NGINX_SSL_CERTIFICATE when the container starts.


When configuring a multi node cluster you will need to configure the upstream hosts. Nginx acts as a reverse proxy for the applications behind it so the lists of hosts for each application need to be configured.

For example if you have a 10 node cluster and 2 of those nodes are dedicated for user interface use then the configuration would look like:


server node1.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node2.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>


server node3.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node4.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node5.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node6.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node7.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node8.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node9.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node10.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>


server node3.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node4.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node5.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node6.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node7.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node8.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node9.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>
server node10.stroomhosts:<<<STROOM_PORT>>>

In the above example the port is set using templating as it is the same for all nodes. Nodes 1 and 2 will receive all UI and REST API traffic. Nodes 8-10 will serve all datafeed(direct) requests.


The stack comes with a default server certificate/key and CA certificate for demo/test purposes. The files are located in volumes/nginx/certs/. For a production deployment these will need to be changed, see Certificates

Log rotation

The Nginx container makes use of logrotate to rotate Nginx’s log files after a period of time so that rotated logs can be sent to stroom. Logrotate is configured using the file volumes/stroom-log-sender/logrotate.conf.template. This file is templated in the same way as the Nginx configuration files, see above. The number of rotated files that should be kept before deleting them can be controlled using the line.

rotate 100

This should be set in conjunction with the frequency that logrotate is called, which is controlled by volumes/stroom-log-sender/crontab.txt. This crontab file drives the lograte process and by default is set to run every minute.

2.2 - Stroom Configuration

Describes how the Stroom application is configured.

General configuration

The Stroom application is essentially just an executable JAR file that can be run when provided with a configuration file, config.yml. This config file is common to all forms of deployment.


This file, sometimes known as the DropWizard configuration file (as DropWizard is the java framework on which Stroom runs) is the primary means of configuring stroom. As a minimum this file should be used to configure anything that needs to be set before stroom can start up, e.g. database connection details or is specific to a node in a stroom cluster. If you are using some form of scripted deployment, e.g. ansible then it can be used to set all stroom properties for the environment that stroom runs in. If you are not using scripted deployments then you can maintain stroom’s node agnostic configuration properties via the user interface.

For more details on the structure of the file, data types and property precedence see Properties.

Stroom operates on a configuration by exception basis so all configuration properties will have a sensible default value and a property only needs to be explicitly configured if the default value is not appropriate, e.g. for tuning a large scale production deployment or where values are environment specific. As a result config.yml only contains a minimal set of properties. The full tree of properties can be seen in ./config/config-defaults.yml and a schema for the configuration tree (along with descriptions for each property) can be found in ./config/config-schema.yml. These two files can be used as a reference when configuring stroom.

Key Configuration Properties

The following are key properties that would typically be changed for a production deployment. All configuration branches are relative to the appConfig root.

The database name(s), hostname(s), port(s), usernames(s) and password(s) should be configured using these properties. Typically stroom is configured to keep it statistics data in a separate database to the main stroom database, as is configured below.

      jdbcDriverUrl: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/stroom?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8"
      jdbcDriverUsername: "stroomuser"
      jdbcDriverPassword: "stroompassword1"
          jdbcDriverUrl: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/stats?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8"
          jdbcDriverUsername: "statsuser"
          jdbcDriverPassword: "stroompassword1"

In a clustered deployment each node must be given a node name that is unique within the cluster. This is used to identify nodes in the Nodes screen. It could be the hostname of the node or follow some other naming convetion.

    name: "node1a"

Each node should have its identity on the network configured so that it uses the appropriate FQDNs. The nodeUri hostname is the FQDN of each node and used by nodes to communicate with each other, therefore it can be private to the cluster of nodes. The publicUri hostname is the public facing FQDN for stroom, i.e. the address of a load balancer or Nginx. This is the address that users will use in their browser.

    hostname: "localhost" # e.g. node5.stroomnodes.somedomain
    hostname: "localhost" # e.g. stroom.somedomain

Deploying without Docker

Stroom running without docker has two files to configure it. The following locations are relative to the stroom home directory, i.e. the root of the distribution zip.

  • ./config/config.yml - Stroom configuration YAML file
  • ./config/scripts.env - Stroom scripts configuration env file

The distribution also includes these files which are helpful when it comes to configuring stroom.

  • ./config/config-defaults.yml - Full version of the config.yml file containing all branches/leaves with default values set. Useful as a reference for the structure and the default values.
  • ./config/config-schema.yml - The schema defining the structure of the config.yml file.


This file is used by the various shell scripts like start.sh, stop.sh, etc. This file should not need to be unless you want to change the locations where certain log files are written to or need to change the java memory settings.

In a production system it is highly likely that you will need to increase the java heap size as the default is only 2G. The heap size settings and any other java command line options can be set by changing:

JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx2048m"

As part of a docker stack

When stroom is run as part of one of our docker stacks, e.g. stroom_core there are some additional layers of configuration to take into account, but the configuration is still primarily done using the config.yml file.

Stroom’s config.yml file is found in the stack in ./volumes/stroom/config/ and this is the primary means of configuring Stroom.

The stack also ships with a default config.yml file baked into the docker image. This minimal fallback file (located in /stroom/config-fallback/ inside the container) will be used in the absence of one provided in the docker stack configuration (./volumes/stroom/config/).

The default config.yml file uses environment variable substitution so some configuration items will be set by environment variables set into the container by the stack env file and the docker-compose YAML. This approach is useful for configuration values that need to be used by multiple containers, e.g. the public FQDN of Nginx, so it can be configured in one place.

If you need to further customise the stroom configuration then it is recommended to edit the ./volumes/stroom/config/config.yml file. This can either be a simple file with hard coded values or one that uses environment variables for some of its configuration items.

The configuration works as follows:

env file (stroom<stack name>.env)
                | environment variable substitution
docker compose YAML (01_stroom.yml)
                | environment variable substitution
Stroom configuration file (config.yml)


If you are using Ansible to deploy a stack then it is recommended that all of stroom’s configuration properties are set directly in the config.yml file using a templated version of the file and to NOT use any environment variable substitution. When using Ansible, the Ansible inventory is the single source of truth for your configuration so not using environment variable substitution for stroom simplifies the configuration and makes it clearer when looking at deployed configuration files.

Stroom-ansible has an example inventory for a single node stroom stack deployment. The group_vars/all file shows how values can be set into the env file.

2.3 - Stroom Proxy Configuration

The configuration of Stroom-proxy is very much the same as for Stroom with the only difference being the structure of the config.yml file. Stroom-proxy has a proxyConfig key in the YAML while Stroom has appConfig. It is recommended to first read Stroom Application Configuration to understand the general mechanics of the stroom configuration as this will largely apply to stroom-proxy.

General configuration

The Stroom-proxy application is essentially just an executable JAR file that can be run when provided with a configuration file, config.yml. This configuration file is common to all forms of deployment.


Stroom-proxy does not have a user interface so the config.yml file is the only way of configuring stroom-proxy. As with stroom, the config.yml file is split into three sections using these keys:

  • server - Configuration of the web server, e.g. ports, paths, request logging.
  • logging - Configuration of application logging
  • proxyConfig - Configuration of stroom-proxy

See also Properties for more details on structure of the config.yml file and supported data types.

Stroom-proxy operates on a configuration by exception basis so all configuration properties will have a sensible default value and a property only needs to be explicitly configured if the default value is not appropriate, e.g. for tuning a large scale production deployment or where values are environment specific. As a result config.yml only contains a minimal set of properties. The full tree of properties can be seen in ./config/config-defaults.yml and a schema for the configuration tree (along with descriptions for each property) can be found in ./config/config-schema.yml. These two files can be used as a reference when configuring stroom.

Key Configuration Properties

Stroom-proxy has two main functions, storing and forwarding. It can be configured to do either or both of these functions. These functions are enabled/disabled using:


    forwardingEnabled: true

    storingEnabled: true

Stroom-proxy should be configured to check the receipt status of feeds on receipt of data. This is done by configuring the end point of a downstream stroom-proxy or stroom.

    url: "http://stroom:8080/api/feedStatus/v1"
    apiKey: ""

The url should be the url for the feed status API on the downstream stroom(-proxy). If this is on the same host then you can use the http endpoint, however if it is on a remote host then you should use https and the host of its nginx, e.g. https://downstream-instance/api/feedStatus/v1.

In order to use the API, the proxy must have a configured apiKey. The API key must be created in the downstream stroom instance and then copied into this configuration.

If the proxy is configured to forward data then the forward destination(s) should be set. This is the datafeed endpoint of the downstream stroom-proxy or stroom instance that data will be forwarded to. This may also be te address of a load balancer or similar that is fronting a cluster of stroom-proxy or stroom instances. See also Feed status certificate configuration.

      - forwardUrl: "https://nginx/stroom/datafeed"

forwardUrl specifies the URL of the datafeed endpoint on the destination host. Each forward location can use a different key/trust store pair. See also Forwarding certificate configuration.

If the proxy is configured to store then it is the location of the proxy repository may need to be configured if it needs to be in a different location to the proxy home directory, e.g. on another mount point.

Deploying without Docker

Apart from the structure of the config.yml file, the configuration in a non-docker environment is the same as for stroom

As part of a docker stack

The way stroom-proxy is configured is essentially the same as for stroom with the only real difference being the structure of the config.yml file as note above . As with stroom the docker stack comes with a ./volumes/stroom-proxy-*/config/config.yml file that will be used in the absence of a provided one. Also as with stroom, the config.yml file supports environment variable substitution so can make use of environment variables set in the stack env file and passed down via the docker-compose YAML files.


Stroom-proxy makes use of client certificates for two purposes:

  • Communicating with a downstream stroom/stroom-proxy in order to establish the receipt status for the feeds it has received data for.
  • When forwarding data to a downstream stroom/stroom-proxy

The stack comes with the following files that can be used for demo/test purposes.


For a production deployment these will need to be changed, see Certificates

Feed status certificate configuration

The configuration of the client certificates for feed status checks is done using:


    timeout: "10s"
    connectionTimeout: "10s"
    timeToLive: "1h"
    cookiesEnabled: false
    maxConnections: 1024
    maxConnectionsPerRoute: "1024"
    keepAlive: "0ms"
    retries: 0
      verifyHostname: true
      keyStorePath: "/stroom-proxy/certs/client.jks"
      keyStorePassword: "password"
      keyStoreType: "JKS"
      trustStorePath: "/stroom-proxy/certs/ca.jks"
      trustStorePassword: "password"
      trustStoreType: "JKS"
      trustSelfSignedCertificates: false

This configuration is also used for making any other REST API calls.

Forwarding certificate configuration

Stroom-proxy can forward to multiple locations. The configuration of the certificate(s) for the forwarding locations is as follows:


    forwardingEnabled: true
      # If you want multiple forward destinations then you will need to edit this file directly
      # instead of using env var substitution
      - forwardUrl: "https://nginx/stroom/datafeed"
          keyStorePath: "/stroom-proxy/certs/client.jks"
          keyStorePassword: "password"
          keyStoreType: "JKS"
          trustStorePath: "/stroom-proxy/certs/ca.jks"
          trustStorePassword: "password"
          trustStoreType: "JKS"
          hostnameVerificationEnabled: true

forwardUrl specifies the URL of the datafeed endpoint on the destination host. Each forward location can use a different key/trust store pair.

2.4 - Stroom Log Sender Configuration

Stroom log sender is a docker image used for sending application logs to stroom. It is essentially just a combination of the send_to_stroom.sh script and a set of crontab entries to call the script at intervals.

Deploying without Docker

When deploying without docker stroom and stroom-proxy nodes will need to be configured to send their logs to stroom. This can be done using the ./bin/send_to_stroom.sh script in the stroom and stroom-proxy zip distributions and some crontab configuration.

The crontab file for the user account running stroom should be edited (crontab -e) and set to something like:

# stroom logs
* * * * * STROOM_HOME=<path to stroom home> ${STROOM_HOME}/bin/send_to_stroom.sh ${STROOM_HOME}/logs/access STROOM-ACCESS-EVENTS <datafeed URL> --system STROOM --environment <environment> --file-regex '.*/[a-z]+-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T.*\\.log' --max-sleep 10 --key <key file> --cert <cert file> --cacert <CA cert file> --delete-after-sending --compress >> <path to log> 2>&1
* * * * * STROOM_HOME=<path to stroom home> ${STROOM_HOME}/bin/send_to_stroom.sh ${STROOM_HOME}/logs/app    STROOM-APP-EVENTS    <datafeed URL> --system STROOM --environment <environment> --file-regex '.*/[a-z]+-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T.*\\.log' --max-sleep 10 --key <key file> --cert <cert file> --cacert <CA cert file> --delete-after-sending --compress >> <path to log> 2>&1
* * * * * STROOM_HOME=<path to stroom home> ${STROOM_HOME}/bin/send_to_stroom.sh ${STROOM_HOME}/logs/user   STROOM-USER-EVENTS   <datafeed URL> --system STROOM --environment <environment> --file-regex '.*/[a-z]+-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T.*\\.log' --max-sleep 10 --key <key file> --cert <cert file> --cacert <CA cert file> --delete-after-sending --compress >> <path to log> 2>&1

# stroom-proxy logs
* * * * * PROXY_HOME=<path to proxy home> ${PROXY_HOME}/bin/send_to_stroom.sh ${PROXY_HOME}/logs/access  STROOM_PROXY-ACCESS-EVENTS  <datafeed URL> --system STROOM-PROXY --environment <environment> --file-regex '.*/[a-z]+-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T.*\\.log' --max-sleep 10 --key <key file> --cert <cert file> --cacert <CA cert file> --delete-after-sending --compress >> <path to log> 2>&1
* * * * * PROXY_HOME=<path to proxy home> ${PROXY_HOME}/bin/send_to_stroom.sh ${PROXY_HOME}/logs/app     STROOM_PROXY-APP-EVENTS     <datafeed URL> --system STROOM-PROXY --environment <environment> --file-regex '.*/[a-z]+-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T.*\\.log' --max-sleep 10 --key <key file> --cert <cert file> --cacert <CA cert file> --delete-after-sending --compress >> <path to log> 2>&1
* * * * * PROXY_HOME=<path to proxy home> ${PROXY_HOME}/bin/send_to_stroom.sh ${PROXY_HOME}/logs/send    STROOM_PROXY-SEND-EVENTS    <datafeed URL> --system STROOM-PROXY --environment <environment> --file-regex '.*/[a-z]+-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T.*\\.log' --max-sleep 10 --key <key file> --cert <cert file> --cacert <CA cert file> --delete-after-sending --compress >> <path to log> 2>&1
* * * * * PROXY_HOME=<path to proxy home> ${PROXY_HOME}/bin/send_to_stroom.sh ${PROXY_HOME}/logs/receive STROOM_PROXY-RECEIVE-EVENTS <datafeed URL> --system STROOM-PROXY --environment <environment> --file-regex '.*/[a-z]+-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T.*\\.log' --max-sleep 10 --key <key file> --cert <cert file> --cacert <CA cert file> --delete-after-sending --compress >> <path to log> 2>&1

where the environment specific values are:

  • <path to stroom home> - The absolute path to the stroom home, i.e. the location of the start.sh script.
  • <path to proxy home> - The absolute path to the stroom-proxy home, i.e. the location of the start.sh script.
  • <datafeed URL> - The URL that the logs will be sent to. This will typically be the nginx host or load balancer and the path will typically be https://host/datafeeddirect to bypass the proxy for faster access to the logs.
  • <environment> - The environment name that the stroom/proxy is deployed in, e.g. OPS, REF, DEV, etc.
  • <key file> - The absolute path to the SSL key file used by curl.
  • <cert file> - The absolute path to the SSL certificate file used by curl.
  • <CA cert file> - The absolute path to the SSL certificate authority file used by curl.
  • <path to log> - The absolute path to a log file to log all the send_to_stroom.sh output to.

If your implementation of cron supports environment variables then you can define some of the common values at the top of the crontab file and use them in the entries. cronie as used by Centos does not support environment variables in the crontab file but variables can be defined at the line level as has been shown with STROOM_HOME and PROXY_HOME.

The above crontab entries assume that stroom and stroom-proxy are running on the same host. If there are not then the entries can be split across the hosts accordingly.

Service host(s)

When deploying stroom/stroom-proxy without stroom you may still be deploying the service stack (nginx and stroom-log-sender) to a host. In this case see As part of a docker stack below for details of how to configure stroom-log-sender to send the nginx logs.

As part of a docker stack


The docker stacks include the stroom-log-sender docker image for sending the logs of all the other containers to stroom. Stroom-log-sender is configured using the crontab file volumes/stroom-log-sender/conf/crontab.txt. When the container starts this file will be read. Any variables in it will be substituted with the values from the corresponding environment variables that are present in the container. These common values can be set in the config/<stack name>.env file.

As the variables are substituted on container start you will need to restart the container following any configuration change.


The directory volumes/stroom-log-sender/certs contains the default client certificates used for the stack. These allow stroom-log-sender to send the log files over SSL which also provides stroom with details of the sender. These will need to be replaced in a production environment.


For a production deployment these will need to be changed, see Certificates

2.5 - MySQL Configuration

Confnguring MySQl for use with Stroom.

General configuration

MySQL is configured via the .cnf file which is typically located in one of these locations:

  • /etc/my.cnf
  • /etc/mysql/my.cnf
  • $MYSQL_HOME/my.cnf
  • <data dir>/my.cnf
  • ~/.my.cnf

Key configuration properties

  • lower_case_table_names - This proerty controls how the tables are stored on the filesystem and the case-sensitivity of table names in SQL. A value of 0 means tables are stored on the filesystem in the case used in CREATE TABLE and sql is case sensitive. This is the default in linux and is the preferred value for deployments of stroom of v7+. A value of 1 means tables are stored on the filesystem in lowercase but sql is case insensitive. See also Identifier Case Sensitivity

  • max_connections - The maximum permitted number of simultaneous client connections. For a clustered deployment of stroom, the default value of 151 will typically be too low. Each stroom node will hold a pool of open database connections for its use, therefore with a large number of stroom nodes and a big connection pool the total number of connections can be very large. This property should be set taking into account the values of the stroom properties of the form *.db.connectionPool.maxPoolSize. See also Connection Interfaces

  • innodb_buffer_pool_size/innodb_buffer_pool_instances - Controls the amount of memory availble to MySQL for caching table/index data. Typically this will be set to 80% of available RAM, assuming MySQL is running on a dedicated host and the total amount of table/index data is greater than 80% of avaialable RAM. Note: innodb_buffer_pool_size must be set to a value that is equal to or a multiple of innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size * innodb_buffer_pool_instances. See also Configuring InnoDB Buffer Pool Size

Deploying without Docker

When MySQL is deployed without a docker stack then MySQL should be installed and configured according to the MySQL documentation. How MySQL is deployed and configured will depend on the requirements of the environment, e.g. clustered, primary/standby, etc.

As part of a docker stack

Where a stroom docker stack includes stroom-all-dbs (MySQL) the MySQL instance is configured via the .cnf file. The .cnf file is located in volumes/stroom-all-dbs/conf/stroom-all-dbs.cnf. This file is read-only to the container and will be read on container start.

Database initialisation

When the container is started for the first time the database be initialised with the root user account. It will also then run any scripts found in volumes/stroom-all-dbs/init/stroom. The scripts in here will be run in alpabetical order. Scripts of the form .sh, .sql, .sql.gz and .sql.template are supported.

.sql.template files are proprietry to stroom stacks and are just templated .sql files. They can contain tags of the form <<<ENV_VAR_NAME>>> which will be replaced with the value of the named environment variable that has been set in the container.

If you need to add additional database users then either add them to volumes/stroom-all-dbs/init/stroom/001_create_databases.sql.template or create additional scripts/templates in that directory.

The script that controls this templating is volumes/stroom-all-dbs/init/000_stroom_init.sh. This script MUST not have its executable bit set else it will be executed rather than being sourced by the MySQL entry point scripts and will then not work.

3 - Installing in an Air Gapped Environment

How to install Stroom when there is no internet connection.

Docker images

For those deployments of Stroom that use docker containers, by default docker will try to pull the docker images from DockerHub on the internet. If you do not have an internet connection then you will need to make these images availbe to the local docker binary in another way.

Downloading the images

Firstly you need to determine which images and which tags you need. Look at stroom-resources/releases and for each release and variant of the Stroom stacks you will see a manifest of the docker images/tags in that release/variant. For eaxmple, for stroom-stacks-v7.0-beta.175 and stack variant stroom_core the list of images is:

nginx gchq/stroom-nginx:v7.0-beta.2
stroom gchq/stroom:v7.0-beta.175
stroom-all-dbs mysql:8.0.23
stroom-log-sender gchq/stroom-log-sender:v2.2.0
stroom-proxy-local gchq/stroom-proxy:v7.0-beta.175

With the docker binary

If you have access to an internet connected computer that has Docker installed on it then you can use Docker to pull the images. For each of the required images run a command like this:

docker pull gchq/stroom-nginx:v7.0-beta.2
docker save -o stroom-nginx.tar gchq/stroom-nginx:v7.0-beta.2

Without the docker binary

If you can’t install Docker on the internet connected maching then this shell script may help you to download and assemble the various layers of an image from DockerHub using only bash, curl and jq. This is a third party script so we cannot vouch for it in any way. As with all scripts you run that you find on the internet, look at and understand what they do before running them.

Loading the images

Once you have downloaded the image tar files and transferred them over the air gap you will need to load them into your local docker repo. Either this will be the local repo on the maching where you will deploy Stroom (or one of its component containers) or you will have a central docker repository that many machines can access. Managing a central air-gapped repository is beyond the scope of this documentation.

To load the images into your local repository use a command similar to this for each of the .tar files that you created using docker save above:

docker load --input stroom-nginx.tar

You can check the images are avialable using:

docker image ls

4 - Upgrades

4.1 - Minor Upgrades and Patches

How to upgrade to a new minor or patch release.

Stroom versioning follows Semantic Versioning .

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH:

  • MAJOR is incremented when there are major or breaking changes.
  • MINOR is incremented when functionality is added in a backwards compatible manner.
  • PATCH is incremented when bugs are fixed.

Stroom is designed to detect the version of the existing database schema and to run any migrations necessary to bring it up to the version begin deployed. This means you can jump from say 7.0.0 => 7.2.0 or from 7.0.0 to 7.0.5.

This document covers minor and patch upgrades only.

Docker stack deployments

Non-docker deployments

Major version upgrades

The following notes are specific for these major version upgrades

4.2 - Upgrade from v5 to v7

This document describes the process for upgrading Stroom from v5.x to v7.x.


Before commencing an upgrade to v7 you must upgrade Stroom to the latest minor and patch version of v5.
At the time of writing the latest version of v5 is v5.5.16.

Differences between v5 and v7

Stroom v7 has significant differences to v6 which make the upgrade process a little more complicated.

  • v5 handled authentication within the application. In v7 authentication is handled either internally in stroom (the default) or by an external identity provider such as google or AWS Cognito.
  • v5 used the ~setup.xml, ~env.sh and stroom.properties files for configuration. In v7 stroom uses a config.yml file for its configuration (see Properties)
  • v5 used upper case and heavily abbreviated names for its tables. In v7 clearer and lower case table names are used. As a result ALL v5 tables get renamed with the prefix OLD_, the new tables created and any content copied over. As the database will be holding two copies of most data you need to ensure you have space to accommodate it.

Pre-Upgrade tasks

Stroom can be upgraded straight from v5 to v7 without going via v6. There are however a few pre-migration steps that need to be followed.

Upgrade Stroom to the latest v5 version

Follow your standard process for performing a minor upgrade to bring your v5 Stroom instance up to the latest v5 version. This ensures all v5 migrations are applying all the v6 and v7 migrations.

Download migration scripts

Download the migration SQL scripts from https://github.com/gchq/stroom/blob/STROOM_VERSION/scripts e.g. https://github.com/gchq/stroom/blob/v7.0-beta.198/scripts

Some of these scripts will be used in the steps below. The unused scripts are not applicable to a v5=>v7 upgrade.

Pre-migration database checks

Run the pre-migration checks script on the running database.

mysql --force --table -u"stroomuser" -p"stroompassword1" stroom \
< v7_db_pre_migration_checks.sql \
> v7_db_pre_migration_checks.out \

This will produce a report of items that will not be migrated or need attention before migration.

Capture non-default Stroom properties

Run the following script to capture the non-default system properties that are held in the database. This is a precaution in case they are needed following migration.

mysql --force --table -u"stroomuser" -p"stroompassword1" stroom \
< v5_list_properties.sql \
> v5_list_properties.out \

Stop processing

Before shutting stroom down it is wise to turn off stream processing and let all outstanding server tasks complete.

TODO clarify steps for this.

Stop Stroom

Stop the stack (stroom and the database) then start up the database. Do this using the v6 stack. This ensures that stroom is not trying to access the database.


Backup the databases

Backup all the databases for the different components. Typically these will be stroom and stats (or statistics).

Stop the database

Stop the database using the v6 stack.


Deploy v7

Deploy the latest version of Stroom but don’t start it.

TODO - more detail

Migrate the v5 configuration into v7

The configuration properties held in the database and accessed for the Properties UI screen will be migrated automatically by Stroom where possible.

Stroom v5 and v7 however are configured differently when it comes to the configuration files used to bootstrap the application, such as the database connection details. These properties will need to be manually migrated from the v5 instance to the v7 instance. The configuration to bootstrap Stroom v5 can be found in instance/lib/stroom.properties. The configuration for v7 can be found in the following places:

  • Zip distribution - config/config.yml.
  • Docker stack - volumes/stroom/config/config.yml. Note that this file uses variable substitution so values can be set in config/<stack_name>.env if suitably substituted.

The following table shows the key configuration properties that need to be set to start the application and how they map between v5 and v7.

V5 property V7 property Notes
stroom.temp appConfig.path.temp Set this if different from $TEMP env var.
- appConfig.path.home By default all local state (e.g. reference data stores, search results) will live under this directory. Typically it should be in a different location to the stroom instance as it has a different lifecycle.
stroom.node appConfig.node.name
- appConfig.nodeUrl.hostname Set this to the FQDN of the node so other nodes can communicate with it.
- appConfig.publicUrl.hostname Set this to the public FQDN of Stroom, typically a load balancer or Nginx instance.
stroom.jdbcDriverClassName appConfig.commonDbDetails.connection.jdbcDriverClassName Do not set this. Will get defaulted to com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
stroom.jdbcDriverUrl appConfig.commonDbDetails.connection.jdbcDriverUrl
stroom.jdbcDriverUsername appConfig.commonDbDetails.connection.jdbcDriverUsername
stroom.jdbcDriverPassword appConfig.commonDbDetails.connection.jdbcDriverPassword
stroom.jpaDialect -
stroom.statistics.sql.jdbcDriverClassName appConfig.commonDbDetails.connection.jdbcDriverClassName Do not set this. Will get defaulted to com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
stroom.statistics.sql.jdbcDriverUrl appConfig.statistics.sql.db.connection.jdbcDriverUrl
stroom.statistics.sql.jdbcDriverUsername appConfig.statistics.sql.db.connection.jdbcDriverUsername
stroom.statistics.sql.jdbcDriverPassword appConfig.statistics.sql.db.connection.jdbcDriverPassword
stroom.statistics.common.statisticEngines appConfig.statistics.internal.enabledStoreTypes Do not set this. Will get defaulted to StatisticStore
- appConfig.ui.helpUrl Set this to the URL of your locally published stroom-docs site.
stroom.contentPackImportEnabled appConfig.contentPackImport.enabled

Some v5 properties, such as connection pool settings cannot be migrated to v7 equivalents. It is recommended to review the default values for v7 appConfig.commonDbDetails.connectionPool.* and appConfig.statistics.sql.db.connectionPool.* properties to ensure they are suitable for your environment. If they are not then set them in the config.yml file. The defaults can be found in config-defaults.yml.

Upgrading the MySQL instance and database

Stroom v5 ran on MySQL v5.6. Stroom v7 runs on MySQL v8. The upgrade path for MySQL is 5.6 => 5.7.33 => 8.x (see Upgrade Paths ).

To ensure the database is up to date mysql_upgrade needs to be run using the 5.7.33 binaries, see the MySQL documentation .

This is the process for upgrading the database. The exact steps will depend on how you have installed MySQL.

  1. Shutdown the database instance.
  2. Remove the MySQL 5.6 binaries, e.g. using your package manager.
  3. Install the MySQL 5.7.33 binaries.
  4. Start the database instance using the 5.7.33 binaries.
  5. Run mysql_upgrade to upgrade the database to 5.7 specification.
  6. Shutdown the database instance.
  7. Remove the MySQL 5.7.33 binaries.
  8. Install the latest MySQL 8.0 binaries.
  9. Start the database instance. On start up MySQL 8 will detect a v5.7 instance and upgrade it to 8.0 spec automatically without the need to run mysql_upgrade.

Performing the Stroom upgrade

To perform the stroom schema upgrade to v7 run the migrate command (on a single node) which will migrate the database then exit. For a large upgrade like this is it is preferable to run the migrate command rather than just starting Stroom as Stroom will only migrate the parts of the schema as it needs to use them so some parts of the database may not be migrated initially. Running the migrate command ensures all parts of the migration are completed when the command is run and no other parts of stroom will be started.


Post-Upgrade tasks


4.3 - Upgrade from v6 to v7

This document describes the process for upgrading a Stroom single node docker stack from v6.x to v7.x.


Before comencing an upgrade to v7 you should upgrade Stroom to the latest minor and patch version of v6.

Differences between v6 and v7

Stroom v7 has significant differences to v6 which make the upgrade process a little more complicated.

  • v6 handled authentication using a separate application, stroom-auth-service, with its own database. In v7 authentication is handled either internally in stroom (the default) or by an external identity provider such as google or AWS Cognito.
  • v6 used a stroom.conf file or environment variables for configuration. In v7 stroom uses a config.yml file for its configuration (see Properties)
  • v6 used upper case and heavily abbreviated names for its tables. In v7 clearer and lower case table names are used. As a result ALL v6 tables get renamed with the prefix OLD_, the new tables created and any content copied over. As the database will be holding two copies of most data you need to ensure you have space to accomodate it.

Pre-Upgrade tasks

The following steps are required to be performed before migrating from v6 to v7.

Download migration scripts

Download the migration SQL scripts from https://github.com/gchq/stroom/blob/STROOM_VERSION/scripts e.g. https://github.com/gchq/stroom/blob/v7.0-beta.133/scripts

These scripts will be used in the steps below.

Pre-migration database checks

Run the pre-migration checks script on the running database.

docker exec \
-i \
stroom-all-dbs \
mysql --table -u"stroomuser" -p"stroompassword1" stroom \
< v7_db_pre_migration_checks.sql

This will produce a report of items that will not be migrated or need attention before migration.

Stop processing

Before shutting stroom down it is wise to turn off stream processing and let all outstanding server tasks complete.

TODO clairfy steps for this.

Stop the stack

Stop the stack (stroom and the database) then start up the database. Do this using the v6 stack. This ensures that stroom is not trying to access the database.

./start.sh stroom-all-dbs

Backup the databases

Backup all the databases for the different components. Typically these will be stroom, stats and auth.

If you are running in a docker stack then you can run the ./backup_databases.sh script.

Stop the database

Stop the database using the v6 stack.


Deploy and configure v7

Deploy the v7 stack. TODO - more detail

Verify the database connection configuration for the stroom and stats databases. Ensure that there is NOT any configuration for a separate auth database as this will now be in stroom.

Running mysql_upgrade

Stroom v6 ran on mysql v5.6. Stroom v7 runs on mysql v8. The upgrade path for MySQL is 5.6 => 5.7.33 => 8.x

To ensure the database is up to date mysql_upgrade neeeds to be run using the 5.7.33 binaries, see the MySQL documentation .

This is the process for upgrading the database. All of these commands are using the v7 stack.

# Set the version of the MySQL docker image to use
export MYSQL_TAG=5.7.33
# Start MySQL at v5.7, this will recreate the container
./start.sh stroom-all-dbs
# Run the upgrade from 5.6 => 5.7.33
docker exec -it stroom-all-dbs mysql_upgrade -u"root" -p"my-secret-pw"
# Stop MySQL
# Unset the tag variable so that it now uses the default from the stack (8.x)
# Start MySQL at v8.x, this will recreate the container and run the upgrade from 5.7.33=>8
./start.sh stroom-all-dbs

Rename legacy stroom-auth tables

Run this command to connect to the auth database and run the pre-migration SQL script.

docker exec \
-i \
stroom-all-dbs \
mysql --table -u"authuser" -p"stroompassword1" auth \
< v7_auth_db_table_rename.sql

This will rename all but one of the tables in the auth database.

Copy the auth database content to stroom

Having run the table rename perform another backup of just the auth database.

./backup_databases.sh . auth
Now restore this backup into the stroom database. You can use the v7 stack scripts to do this.

./restore_database.sh stroom auth_20210312143513.sql.gz

You should now see the following tables in the stroom database:


This can be checked by running the following in the v7 stack.

echo 'select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name like "OLD_AUTH%"' \
| ./database_shell.sh

Drop unused databases

There may be a number of databases that are no longer used that can be dropped prior to the upgrade. Note the use of the --force argument so it copes with users that are not there.

docker exec \
-i \
stroom-all-dbs \
mysql --force -u"root" -p"my-secret-pw" \
< v7_drop_unused_databases.sql

Verify it worked with:

echo 'show databases;' | docker exec -i stroom-all-dbs mysql -u"root" -p"my-secret-pw"

Performing the upgrade

To perform the stroom schema upgrade to v7 run the migrate command which will migrate the database then exit. For a large upgrade like this is it is preferable to run the migrate command rather than just starting stroom as stroom will only migrate the parts of the schema as it needs to use them. Running migrate ensures all parts of the migration are completed when the command is run and no other parts of stroom will be started.


Post-Upgrade tasks

TODO remove auth* containers,images,volumes

5 - Setup

5.1 - Processing Users

Processing User Setup

Stroom and Stroom Proxy should be run under a processing user (we assume stroomuser below).

Create user

/usr/sbin/adduser --system stroomuser

You may want to allow normal accounts to sudo to this account for maintenance (visudo).

Create service script

Create a service script to start/stop on server startup (as root).

vi /etc/init.d/stroomuser

Paste/type the following content into vi.

# stroomuser       This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
#               the stroomuser subsystem (tomcat6, etc)
# chkconfig: - 86 14
# description: stroomuser is the stroomuser sub system


case $1 in
/bin/su ${STROOM_USER} ${DEPLOY_DIR}/stroom-deploy/start.sh
/bin/su ${STROOM_USER} ${DEPLOY_DIR}/stroom-deploy/stop.sh
/bin/su ${STROOM_USER} ${DEPLOY_DIR}/stroom-deploy/stop.sh
/bin/su ${STROOM_USER} ${DEPLOY_DIR}/stroom-deploy/start.sh
exit 0

Now initialise the script.

/bin/chmod +x /etc/init.d/stroomuser
/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 stroomuser on

Setup user’s environment

Setup env.sh to include JAVA_HOME to point to the installed directory of the JDK (this will be platform specific).

vi ~/env.sh

In vi add the following lines.

# User specific aliases and functions
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

Setup the user’s profile to include source the env script.

vi ~/.bashrc

In vi add the following lines.

# User specific aliases and functions
. ~/env.sh

Verify Java installation

Assuming you are using Stroom without using docker and have installed Java, verify that the processing user can use the Java installation.

The shell output below may show a different version of Java to the one you are using.

. .bashrc
which java

which javac

java -version
(out)openjdk version "1.8.0_65"
(out)OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_65-b17)
(out)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.65-b01, mixed mode)

5.2 - Securing Stroom

How to secure Stroom and the cluster

NOTE This document was written for stroom v4/5. Some parts may not be applicable for v6+.


The following firewall configuration is recommended:

  • Outside cluster drop all access except ports HTTP 80, HTTPS 443, and any other system ports your require SSH, etc
  • Within cluster allow all access

This will enable nodes within the cluster to communicate on:

  • 8080 - Stroom HTTP.
  • 8081 - Stroom HTTP (admin).
  • 8090 - Stroom Proxy HTTP.
  • 8091 - Stroom Proxy HTTP (admin).
  • 3306 - MySQL


It is recommended that you run mysql_secure_installation to set a root password and remove test database:

mysql_secure_installation (provide a root password)
- Set root password? [Y/n] Y
- Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y 
- Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] Y
- Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] Y
- Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Y

5.3 - Java Key Store Setup

In order that the java process communicates over https (for example Stroom Proxy forwarding onto Stroom) the JVM requires relevant keystore’s setting up.

As the processing user copy the following files to a directory stroom-jks in the processing user home directory :

  • CA.crt - Certificate Authority
  • SERVER.crt - Server certificate with client authentication attributes
  • SERVER.key - Server private key

As the processing user perform the following:

  • First turn your keys into der format:
cd ~/stroom-jks


openssl x509 -in ${SERVER}.crt -inform PEM -out ${SERVER}.crt.der -outform DER
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in ${SERVER}.key -inform PEM -out ${SERVER}.key.der -outform DER
  • Import Keys into the Key Stores:
Stroom_UTIL_JAR=`find ~/*app -name 'stroom-util*.jar' -print | head -1`

java -cp ${Stroom_UTIL_JAR} stroom.util.cert.ImportKey keystore=${SERVER}.jks keypass=${SERVER} alias=${SERVER} keyfile=${SERVER}.key.der certfile=${SERVER}.crt.der
keytool -import -noprompt -alias ${AUTHORITY} -file ${AUTHORITY}.crt -keystore ${AUTHORITY}.jks -storepass ${AUTHORITY}
  • Update Processing User Global Java Settings:
echo "export JAVA_OPTS=\"-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=${PWD}/${AUTHORITY}.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=${AUTHORITY} -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=${PWD}/${SERVER}.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=${SERVER}\"" >> ~/env.sh  

Any Stroom or Stroom Proxy instance will now additionally pickup the above JAVA_OPTS settings.

5.4 - MySQL Setup


  • MySQL 8.0.x server installed (e.g. yum install mysql-server)
  • Processing User Setup

A single MySQL database is required for each Stroom instance. You do not need to setup a MySQL instance per node in your cluster.

Check Database installed and running

[root@stroomdb ~]# /sbin/chkconfig --list mysqld
mysqld          0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
[root@stroomdb ~]# mysql --user=root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
mysql> quit      

The following commands can be used to auto start mysql if required:

/sbin/chkconfig –level 345 mysqld on
/sbin/service httpd start


MySQL configuration can be simple to complex depending on your requirements.
For a very simple configuration you simply need an out-of-the-box mysql install and create a database user account.

Things get more complicated when considering:

  • Security
  • Master Slave Replication
  • Tuning memory usage
  • Running Stroom Stats in a different database to Stroom
  • Performance Monitoring

Simple Install

Ensure the database is running, create the database and access to it

[stroomuser@host stroom-setup]$ mysql --user=root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

mysql> create database stroom;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> grant all privileges on stroom.* to 'stroomuser'@'host' identified by 'password';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> create database stroom_stats;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> grant all privileges on stroom_stats.* to 'stroomuser'@'host' identified by 'password';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Advanced Security

It is recommended to run /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation to remove test database and accounts.

./stroom-setup/mysql_grant.sh is a utility script that creates accounts for you to use within a cluster (or single node setup). Run to see the options:

[stroomuser@host stroom-setup]$ ./mysql_grant.sh
usage : --name=<instance name (defaults to my for /etc/my.cnf)>
        --user=<the stroom user for the db>
        --password=<the stroom password for the db>
        --cluster=<the file with a line per node in the cluster>
--user=<db user> Must be set

N.B. name is used when multiple mysql instances are setup (see below).

You need to create a file cluster.txt with a line for each member of your cluster (or single line in the case of a one node Stroom install). Then run the utility script to lock down the server access.

[stroomuser@host ~]$ hostname >> cluster.txt
[stroomuser@host ~]$ ./stroom-setup/mysql_grant.sh --name=mysql56_dev --user=stroomuser --password= --cluster=cluster.txt
Enter root mysql password :
flush privileges

delete from mysql.user where user = 'stroomuser'
flush privileges

[stroomuser@host ~]$

Advanced Install

The below example uses the utility scripts to create 3 custom mysql server instances on 2 servers:

  • server1 - master stroom,
  • server2 - slave stroom, stroom_stats

As root on server1:

yum install "mysql56-mysql-server"

Create the master database:

[root@node1 stroomuser]# ./stroom-setup/mysqld_instance.sh --name=mysqld56_stroom --port=3106 --server=mysqld56 --os=rhel6

--master not set ... assuming master database
Wrote base files in tmp (You need to move them as root).  cp /tmp/mysqld56_stroom /etc/init.d/mysqld56_stroom; cp /tmp/mysqld56_stroom.cnf /etc/mysqld56_stroom.cnf
Run mysql client with mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysqld56_stroom.cnf

[root@node1 stroomuser]# cp /tmp/mysqld56_stroom /etc/init.d/mysqld56_stroom; cp /tmp/mysqld56_stroom.cnf /etc/mysqld56_stroom.cnf
[root@node1 stroomuser]# /etc/init.d/mysqld56_stroom start

Initializing MySQL database:  Installing MySQL system tables...
Filling help tables...
Starting mysql56-mysqld:                                   [  OK  ]

Check Start up Settings Correct

[root@node2 stroomuser]# chkconfig mysqld off
[root@node2 stroomuser]# chkconfig mysql56-mysqld off
[root@node1 stroomuser]# chkconfig --add mysqld56_stroom
[root@node1 stroomuser]# chkconfig mysqld56_stroom on

[root@node2 stroomuser]# chkconfig --list | grep mysql
mysql56-mysqld  0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
mysqld          0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
mysqld56_stroom    0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
mysqld56_stats  0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

Create a text file will all members of the cluster:

[root@node1 stroomuser]# vi cluster.txt


Create the grants:

[root@node1 stroomuser]# ./stroom-setup/mysql_grant.sh --name=mysqld56_stroom --user=stroomuser --password=password --cluster=cluster.txt

As root on server2:

[root@node2 stroomuser]# yum install "mysql56-mysql-server"

[root@node2 stroomuser]# ./stroom-setup/mysqld_instance.sh --name=mysqld56_stroom --port=3106 --server=mysqld56 --os=rhel6 --master=node1.my.org --user=stroomuser --password=password

--master set ... assuming slave database
Wrote base files in tmp (You need to move them as root).  cp /tmp/mysqld56_stroom /etc/init.d/mysqld56_stroom; cp /tmp/mysqld56_stroom.cnf /etc/mysqld56_stroom.cnf
Run mysql client with mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysqld56_stroom.cnf

[root@node2 stroomuser]# cp /tmp/mysqld56_stroom /etc/init.d/mysqld56_stroom; cp /tmp/mysqld56_stroom.cnf /etc/mysqld56_stroom.cnf
[root@node1 stroomuser]# /etc/init.d/mysqld56_stroom start

Initializing MySQL database:  Installing MySQL system tables...
Filling help tables...
Starting mysql56-mysqld:                                   [  OK  ]

Check Start up Settings Correct

[root@node2 stroomuser]# chkconfig mysqld off
[root@node2 stroomuser]# chkconfig mysql56-mysqld off
[root@node1 stroomuser]# chkconfig --add mysqld56_stroom
[root@node1 stroomuser]# chkconfig mysqld56_stroom on

[root@node2 stroomuser]# chkconfig --list | grep mysql
mysql56-mysqld  0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
mysqld          0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
mysqld56_stroom    0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

Create the grants:

[root@node1 stroomuser]# ./stroom-setup/mysql_grant.sh --name=mysqld56_stroom --user=stroomuser --password=password --cluster=cluster.txt

Make the slave database start to follow:

[root@node2 stroomuser]# cat /etc/mysqld56_stroom.cnf | grep "change master"
# change master to MASTER_HOST='node1.my.org', MASTER_PORT=3106, MASTER_USER='stroomuser', MASTER_PASSWORD='password';

[root@node2 stroomuser]# mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysqld56_stroom.cnf

mysql> change master to MASTER_HOST='node1.my.org', MASTER_PORT=3106, MASTER_USER='stroomuser', MASTER_PASSWORD='password';
mysql> start slave; 

As processing user on server1:

[stroomuser@node1 ~]$ mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysqld56_stroom.cnf --user=stroomuser --password=password

mysql> create database stroom;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> use stroom;
Database changed

mysql> create table test (a int);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)

As processing user on server2 check server replicating OK:

[stroomuser@node2 ~]$ mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysqld56_stroom.cnf --user=stroomuser --password=password

mysql> show create table test;
| Table | Create Table                                                                           |
| test  | CREATE TABLE `test` (`a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL  ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

As root on server2:

[root@node2 stroomuser]# /home/stroomuser/stroom-setup/mysqld_instance.sh --name=mysqld56_stats --port=3206 --server=mysqld56 --os=rhel6 --user=statsuser --password=password
[root@node2 stroomuser]# cp /tmp/mysqld56_stats /etc/init.d/mysqld56_stats; cp /tmp/mysqld56_stats.cnf /etc/mysqld56_stats.cnf
[root@node2 stroomuser]# /etc/init.d/mysqld56_stats start
[root@node2 stroomuser]# chkconfig mysqld56_stats on

Create the grants:

[root@node2 stroomuser]# ./stroom-setup/mysql_grant.sh --name=mysqld56_stats --database=stats  --user=stroomstats --password=password --cluster=cluster.txt

As processing user create the database:

[stroomuser@node2 ~]$ mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysqld56_stats.cnf --user=stroomstats --password=password
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
mysql> create database stats;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

6 - Stroom 6 Installation

We would welcome feedback on this documentation.

Running on a single box

Running a release

Download a release , for example Stroom Core v6.0 Beta 3 , unpack it, and run the start.sh script. When you’ve given it some time to start up go to http://localhost/stroom. There’s a README.md file inside the tar.gz with more information.

Post-install hardening

Before first run

Change database passwords

If you don’t do this before the first run of Stroom then the passwords will already be set and you’ll have to change them on the database manually, and then change the .env.

This change should be made in the .env configuration file. If the values are not there then this service is not included in your Stroom stack and there is nothing to change.









On first run

Create yourself an account

After first logging in as admin you should create yourself a normal account (using your email address) and add yourself to the Administrators group. You should then log out of admin, log in with your new administrator account and then disable the admin account.

If you decide to use the admin account as your normal account you might find yourself locked out. The admin account has no associated email address, so the Reset Password feature will not work if your account is locked. It might become locked if you enter your password incorrectly too many times.

Delete un-used users and API keys

  • If you’re not using stats you can delete or disable the following:
    • the user statsServiceUser
    • the API key for statsServiceUser

Change the API keys

First generate new API keys. You can generate a new API key using Stroom, under Tools -> API Keys. The following need to be changed:


    • This is the API token for user stroomServiceUser.

Then stop Stroom and update the API key in the .env configuration file with the new value.


I’m trying to use certificate logins (PKI) but I keep being prompted for the username and password!

You need to be sure of several things:

  • When a user arrives at Stroom the first thing Stroom does is redirect the user to the authentication service. This is when the certificate is checked. If this redirect doesn’t use HTTPS then nginx will not get the cert and will not send it onwards to the authentication service. Remember that all of this stuff, apart from back-channel/service-to-service chatter, goes through nginx. The env var that needs to use HTTPS is STROOM_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_URL. Note that this is the var Stroom looks for, not the var as set in the stack, so you’ll find it in the stack YAML.
  • Are your certs configured properly? If nginx isn’t able to decode the incoming cert for some reason then it won’t pass anything on to the service.
  • Is your browser sending certificates?