The page that you are currently viewing is for an old version of Stroom (7.0). The documentation for the latest version of Stroom (7.8) can be found using the version drop-down at the top of the screen or by clicking here.

Front Matter

The meta data (or front matter) for pages/sections.

Front matter in Hugo is a set of meta data at the top of each page that controls which menus include the page as well as providing information about the page, e.g.

title: "Site Structure"
linkTitle: "Site Structure"
weight: 10
date: 2021-07-20
  - style
  - TODO
description: >
  Describes the file and directory structure for the site.

Hugo supports front matter in YAML, JSON and TOML, however for consistency all front matter in stroom-docs should be in YAML format.

This is the section/page title and will become the h1 heading (in HTML/Markdown terms) on the section/page. The linkTitle is the text that is displayed in the left hand navigation sidebar. It should be the same as title unless the title is quite long, in which case a shorter version should be used so it fits in the sidebar.


The weight controls the position of the page/section within the other pages/sections of its parent. i.e. it controls the order of the pages/sections in the left hand navigation bar and the list of child items on a section index. If no weight is provided then Hugo will use date, then linkTitle, then the file path.

To assist with re-ordering pages you can use the script in the root of the repo. E.g. to change the order of the child items of the user-guide section do the following:

./ content/en/docs/user-guide


The date should be set/updated to the current date when a page/section is created or modified. This data is show at the bottom of the page and tells the reader when the page was last updated.


In the front matter, tags is a list of tags that are applicable to the document and allow documents to be searched for by tag. Tag names should conform to the following conventions:

  • Lower kebab case, i.e. reference-data, even for abbreviations.
  • The only exception to the case rule is TODO, which is always upper case.
  • Singular, i.e. pipeline rather than pipelines.

Avoid using too many unique tag names as it will make the list of tags in the sidebar to large to be useful. When setting a tag on a document consult the list of existing tags to ensure consistency and to see if a more applicable tag already exists.

Add the TODO tag to a page when the page is incomplete. This makes it easy to find areas of the documentation that are in need of attention.

Cascading tags

If you want to apply a tag to all descendant pages of a section you can add this to the front matter of the section:

    - install

This will then apply all of tags added to tags to each descendant page.


A short description of what the page/section covers. This will be shown on the index page of its parent.

Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch 'legacy' into 7.0 (5e1549a)