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Connecting Gremlin to Gaffer

It is possible to use Gremlin as an alternative querying language in Gaffer. To make Gremlin available however, there are some additional steps that need to be taken to connect to a Gaffer graph via this interface.


Gremlin serves as a query layer for a graph that implements the Tinkerpop graph structure. As of v2.1.0 Gaffer has made available a library that can be utilised to enable Gremlin queries. This library can be included via maven in any project using the following dependency definition:


The library contains the graph implementation that allows Tinkerpop to talk to a Gaffer graph and generally is all that is needed to provide the functionality. To actually utilise Gremlin queries however, a connection to what's known as a GraphTraversalSource is required which is the class from which Gremlin traversals are spawned. To do this we recommend utilising the provided Gremlin server framework which can be configured to use the Gaffer Tinkerpop implementation so that a endpoint is available for Gremlin queries.

Connecting to Any Existing Gaffer Graph

The simplest way to connect Gremlin to an existing Gaffer instance where you may not know the Store type or Schema would be via a Proxy Store. Connecting this way means Gremlin communicates via the Gaffer REST API (similar to gafferpy) meaning there may be a performance hit for larger queries.


You can also of course connect directly to an existing instance's storage layer too (e.g. Accumulo store) but this would require a more complex configuration and knowledge of the Schema.

The general connection diagram looks something like the following:

flowchart LR
    --> B("Gremlin Server")
    --> C(Gaffer Proxy Store)
    --> D(Existing Gaffer Instance)

To establish this connection you can make use of the existing gaffer-gremlin OCI image which is an extension of the existing gremlin-server image. This provides the Tinkerpop library which allows users to connect Gaffer graphs as well as some pre installed configuration to get up and running quickly.

docker pull gchq/gaffer-gremlin:latest


You will likely need to configure the default gaffer-gremlin image to your environment, please continue reading to learn more.

Configuring the gaffer-gremlin Image

To use the image you will need to provide two configuration files that are specific to your environment, they are:

  • - Gaffer store configuration.
  • - Configuration for the Gaffer Tinkerpop library (Gafferpop).

Once these files are configured you can use bind mounts to make them available when running the image:

docker run \
       --name gaffer-gremlin \
       --publish 8182:8182 \
       --volume \
       --volume \
       tinkerpop/gremlin-server:latest gremlin-server.yaml

Configuring the Proxy Store

Starting with the Proxy Store, this is identical to running a normal Proxy Store and involves simply creating a Gaffer file to use. An example file is given below that will connect to a graph's REST API running at https://localhost:8080/rest:
# These should be configured to an existing graph deployment

Configuring the Gafferpop Library

The, file is the configuration for the Gaffer implementation of Tinkerpop (a.k.a Gafferpop). Most of the set up here is for the construction of the Gafferpop Graph instance which we want to make run with the we've already configured. An example would look like the following:

# The Tinkerpop graph class we should use

Many of these properties in the example above should be self explanatory, a full breakdown of of the available properties is as follows:

Property Key Description
gremlin.graph The Tinkerpop graph class we should use
gaffer.graphId The graph ID of the Tinkerpop graph
gaffer.storeproperties The path to the store properties file
gaffer.schemas The path to the directory containing the graph schema files
gaffer.userId The user ID for the Tinkerpop graph
gaffer.dataAuths The data auths for the user to specify what operations can be performed
gaffer.operation.options Additional operation options that will be passed to the Tinkerpop graph variables in the form key:value

Configuring the Gremlin Server

The underlying Gremlin server can also be configured if required. The gaffer-gremlin image comes with an existing YAML configuration based on the example from the Tinkerpop repository. This file should be suitable for most use cases but a custom one can be provided via a bind mount. If supplying a custom file please ensure you still include the following sections:

Ensure the file is set by modifying the graphs section like so:

graphs: {
  graph: conf/gafferpop/

Ensure the Gaffer plugin is loaded for Gremlin which is achieved by adding the following to the list of plugins in the plugins section: {}


See the Tinkerpop docs for more information on Gremlin server configuration.

Last update: April 16, 2024
Created: December 18, 2023