Getting started


Before running, make sure you have installed and appropriately-configured the following:

  • Git
  • Docker and Kubernetes, which now is bundled with Docker Desktop. You may be required to create a Docker account and login to successfully pull images from DockerHub
  • Helm 3 for deploying to Kubernetes and managing deployments

Running the Quickstart Script

Run the cross-platform quickstart.cmd script:

  • On Linux/MacOS:
    /dev/Palisade> bash quickstart.cmd
  • On Windows:
    C:\dev\Palisade> quickstart.cmd

This will perform the following tasks necessary to set-up and start using Palisade:

  • Download each of the Palisade repos required to run the example (services and examples)
    • We will be pulling the 0.5.1 release which uses a Kafka-based streaming microservice architecture
  • Run the Palisade local-k8s example (more details can be found here), which pulls down the images from DockerHub.

The script will have done an example run-through of Palisade, demonstrating a client with different users and purposes querying some Avro files for employee data, with some redaction and masking rules in place. The output of this example run-through will be written to the terminal once it has completed, and if deployed successfully, you will see a success message returned. To view the logs of the services, use Kubernetes and run kubectl get logs <ServiceName>-Service. More details of these rules and data structures can be found here.

This shutdown procedure can be automated using the quickstop.cmd script:

  • On Linux/MacOS:
    /dev/Palisade> bash quickstop.cmd
  • On Windows:
    C:\dev\Palisade> quickstop.cmd
    See the individual repositories and modules for their specific documentation from this point.

Alternative Deployments

Local JVM

Palisade is also set-up for a JVM deployment, which is documented here.
To run this example, you will need local installations of each service's jars, which involves cloning the remaining Palisade repositories, and using maven, installing them in the correct order, before following the local-jvm readme linked above.
The correct installation order for Palisade is:

  1. Palisade-common
  2. Palisade-clients
  3. Palisade-services
  4. Palisade-readers
  5. Palisade-examples

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