AlwaysValid<T> |
An AlwaysValid is an Validator in which it always returns true.
BatchedIterable<T> |
CachingIterable<T> |
ConsumableBlockingQueue<T> |
Extension to ArrayBlockingQueue to allow consumers to iterate over
the queue, consuming the data, without being blocked.
EmptyIterable<T> |
EmptyIterator<T> |
LimitedInMemorySortedIterable<E> |
An Iterable which can sort, limit and deduplicate its elements.
RepeatItemIterable<T> |
A RepeatItemIterable is an Iterable which contains multiple
copies of the same object.
RepeatItemIterator<T> |
An RepeatItemIterator is an Iterator which contains
multiple copies of the same object.
StreamFlatMapIterable<I,O> |
StreamIterable<T> |
StreamIterator<T> |
StreamMapIterable<I,O> |
SuppliedIterable<T> |
A SuppliedIterable allows a Closeable
Iterable that can normally only be consumed
once, be consumed multiple times.
TransformIterable<I,O> |
A TransformIterable allows Iterable s to be lazily
validated and transformed without loading the entire iterable into memory.
TransformOneToManyIterable<I,O> |
A TransformToMultiIterable allows Iterable s to be lazily validated and transformed without
loading the entire iterable into memory.