Interface EntityMaps

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface EntityMaps
    extends Iterable<EntityMap>
    An EntityMaps object contains a number of EntityMap objects and can be used to represent the changes in an EntityMap over time or to track the entities of a graph over some other metric.
    • Method Detail

      • add

        default void add​(EntityMap entityMap)
        Add a new EntityMap.
        entityMap - the entityMap to add
      • get

        default EntityMap get​(int n)
        Retrieve the nth EntityMap.
        n - the index of the adjacency map to retrieve
        the nth entityMap
      • size

        default int size()
        Return the number of EntityMap present in the entityMaps object.

        Depending on the context, this could refer to the number of hops present, or the number of timesteps etc.

        the size of the entityMaps object
      • empty

        default boolean empty()
        Return true if this EntityMaps object is empty, otherwise false.
        the empty state of this object
      • prettyPrint

        default String prettyPrint()
        Print the EntityMap object in an easily readable format.
        a prettily printed String representation of the entityMap object.
      • asList

        List<EntityMap> asList()
        Get a representation of the current EntityMaps object as a List.
        a List representation of the current entityMaps object