Class AccumuloProperties

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AccumuloProperties
    extends StoreProperties
    An AccumuloProperties contains specific configuration information for the AccumuloStore, such as database connection strings. It wraps Properties and lazy loads the all properties from a file when first used.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AccumuloProperties

        public AccumuloProperties()
      • AccumuloProperties

        public AccumuloProperties​(Path propFileLocation)
    • Method Detail

      • setNumThreadsForBatchWriter

        public void setNumThreadsForBatchWriter​(String numThreadsForBatchWriter)
        Sets the number of threads that should be used for the Accumulo batch writers.
        numThreadsForBatchWriter - The number of concurrent threads to use in the batch writer.
      • setMaxTimeOutForBatchWriterInMilliseconds

        public void setMaxTimeOutForBatchWriterInMilliseconds​(String maxTimeOutForBatchWriterInMilliseconds)
        Sets the time out/latency that should be used for the Accumulo batch writers.
        maxTimeOutForBatchWriterInMilliseconds - The timeout to use on the batch writer.
      • setMaxBufferSizeForBatchWriterInBytes

        public void setMaxBufferSizeForBatchWriterInBytes​(String maxBufferSizeForBatchWriterInBytes)
        Sets the memory buffer size that should be used for the Accumulo batch writers.
        maxBufferSizeForBatchWriterInBytes - The buffer size in bytes to use in the batch writer.
      • getNumThreadsForBatchWriter

        public int getNumThreadsForBatchWriter()
        Gets the number of threads that should be used for the Accumulo batch writers.
        The number of concurrent threads to use in the batch writer.
      • getMaxTimeOutForBatchWriterInMilliseconds

        public Long getMaxTimeOutForBatchWriterInMilliseconds()
        Gets the time out/latency that should be used for the Accumulo batch writers.
        The timeout to use on the batch writer.
      • getMaxBufferSizeForBatchWriterInBytes

        public Long getMaxBufferSizeForBatchWriterInBytes()
        Gets the memory buffer size that should be used for the Accumulo batch writers.
        The buffer size in bytes to use in the batch writer.
      • getZookeepers

        public String getZookeepers()
        Gets the list of Zookeeper servers.
        A comma separated list of Zookeeper servers.
      • setZookeepers

        public void setZookeepers​(String zookeepers)
        Sets the list of Zookeeper servers.
        zookeepers - the list of Zookeeper servers.
      • getInstance

        public String getInstance()
        Gets the Accumulo instance name.
        Return the instance name of Accumulo set in the properties file.
      • setInstance

        public void setInstance​(String instance)
        Sets the Accumulo instance name.
        instance - the Accumulo instance name.
      • getUser

        public String getUser()
        Gets the configured Accumulo user.
        Get the configured accumulo user.
      • setUser

        public void setUser​(String user)
        Sets the configured Accumulo user.
        user - the configured Accumulo user.
      • getPassword

        public String getPassword()
        Gets the password for the Accumulo user.
        the password for the configured Accumulo user.
      • setPassword

        public void setPassword​(String password)
        Sets the password to use for the Accumulo user.
        password - the password to use for the Accumulo user.
      • getEnableKerberos

        public boolean getEnableKerberos()
        Gets the flag determining whether Kerberos should be enabled and used for Accumulo connections.
        true if Kerberos should be enabled.
      • setEnableKerberos

        public void setEnableKerberos​(boolean enableKerberos)
        Sets the flag determining whether Kerberos should be enabled and used for Accumulo connections.
        enableKerberos - true if Kerberos should be enabled.
      • getPrincipal

        public String getPrincipal()
        Gets the configured Accumulo Kerberos principal.
        Get the configured Accumulo Kerberos principal.
      • setPrincipal

        public void setPrincipal​(String principal)
        Sets the configured Accumulo Kerberos principal.
        principal - the configured Accumulo Kerberos principal.
      • getKeytabPath

        public String getKeytabPath()
        Gets the keytab path for the Accumulo Kerberos principal.
        the keytab path for the configured Accumulo Kerberos principal.
      • setKeytabPath

        public void setKeytabPath​(String keytabPath)
        Sets the keytab path for the Accumulo Kerberos principal.
        keytabPath - the path to a keytab to use for the Accumulo Kerberos principal.
      • getNamespace

        public String getNamespace()
        Gets the namespace for the Accumulo table.
        the namespace for the configured Accumulo table.
      • setNamespace

        public void setNamespace​(String namespace)
        Sets the namespace to use for the Accumulo table.
        namespace - the namespace to use for the Accumulo table.
      • getThreadsForBatchScanner

        public int getThreadsForBatchScanner()
        Gets the number of threads to use in the batch scanner.
        An integer representing the number of threads to use in the batch scanner.
      • setThreadsForBatchScanner

        public void setThreadsForBatchScanner​(String threadsForBatchScanner)
        Sets the number of threads to use in the batch scanner.
        threadsForBatchScanner - the number of threads to use in the batch scanner.
      • getMaxEntriesForBatchScanner

        public int getMaxEntriesForBatchScanner()
        Gets the max number of items that should be read into the scanner at any one time.
        An integer representing the max number of items that should be read into the scanner at any one time.
      • setMaxEntriesForBatchScanner

        public void setMaxEntriesForBatchScanner​(String maxEntriesForBatchScanner)
        Sets the max number of items that should be read into the scanner at any one time.
        maxEntriesForBatchScanner - the max number of items that should be read into the scanner at any one time.
      • getClientSideBloomFilterSize

        public int getClientSideBloomFilterSize()
        Gets the size that should be used for the creation of bloom filters on the client side.
        An integer representing the size that should be used for the creation of bloom filters on the client side.
      • setClientSideBloomFilterSize

        public void setClientSideBloomFilterSize​(String clientSideBloomFilterSize)
        Sets the size that should be used for the creation of bloom filters on the client side.
        clientSideBloomFilterSize - the size that should be used for the creation of bloom filters on the client side.
      • getFalsePositiveRate

        public double getFalsePositiveRate()
        Gets the allowable rate of false positives for bloom filters (Generally the higher the value the faster the filter).
        A number representing the rate of false positives for bloom filters (Generally the higher the value the faster the filter).
      • setFalsePositiveRate

        public void setFalsePositiveRate​(String falsePositiveRate)
        Sets the allowable rate of false positives for bloom filters (Generally the higher the value the faster the filter).
        falsePositiveRate - the allowable rate of false positives for bloom filters (Generally the higher the value the faster the filter).
      • getMaxBloomFilterToPassToAnIterator

        public int getMaxBloomFilterToPassToAnIterator()
        Gets the size that should be used for the creation of bloom filters on the server side.
        An integer representing the size that should be used for the creation of bloom filters on the server side.
      • setMaxBloomFilterToPassToAnIterator

        public void setMaxBloomFilterToPassToAnIterator​(String maxBloomFilterToPassToAnIterator)
        Sets the size that should be used for the creation of bloom filters on the server side.
        maxBloomFilterToPassToAnIterator - the size that should be used for the creation of bloom filters on the server side.
      • getKeyPackageClass

        public String getKeyPackageClass()
        Gets the key package that should be used in conjunction with this table.
        An implementation of AccumuloKeyPackage to be used for this accumulo table.
      • setKeyPackageClass

        public void setKeyPackageClass​(String keyPackageClass)
        Sets the key package that should be used in conjunction with this table.
        keyPackageClass - the key package that should be used in conjunction with this table.
      • getTableFileReplicationFactor

        public String getTableFileReplicationFactor()
        Gets the replication factor to be applied to tables created by Gaffer, if not set then the table will use your general Accumulo settings default value.
        The replication factor to be applied to tables created by Gaffer.
      • setTableFileReplicationFactor

        public void setTableFileReplicationFactor​(String replicationFactor)
        Sets the replication factor to be applied to tables created by Gaffer, if not set then the table will use your general Accumulo settings default value.
        replicationFactor - the replication factor to be applied to tables created by gaffer, if not set then the table will use your general accumulo settings default value.
      • getEnableValidatorIterator

        public boolean getEnableValidatorIterator()
        Gets the flag determining whether the validator iterator should be enabled.
        true if the validator iterator should be enabled.
      • setEnableValidatorIterator

        public void setEnableValidatorIterator​(boolean enableValidatorIterator)
        Sets the flag determining whether the validator iterator should be enabled.
        enableValidatorIterator - true if the validator iterator should be enabled.