Documenting content

The ability to document each entity created in Stroom.

The screen for each Entity in Stroom has a Documentation sub-tab. The purpose of this sub-tab is to allow the user to provide any documentation about the entity that is relevant. For example a user might want to provide information about the system that a Feed receives data from, or document the purpose of a complex XSLT translation.

In previous versions of stroom this documentation was a small and simple Description text field, however now it is a full screen of rich text. This screen defaults to its read-only preview mode, but the user can toggle it to the edit mode to edit the content. In the edit mode, the documentation can be created/edited using plain text, or Markdown . Markdown is a fairly simple markup language for producing richly formatted text from plain text.

There are many variants of markdown that all have subtly different features or syntax. Stroom uses the Showdown markdown converter to render users’ markdown content into formatted text. This link is the definitive source for supported markdown syntax.

Example Markdown Content

The following is a brief guide to the most common formatting that can be done with markdown and that is supported in Stroom.

# Markdown Example

This is an example of a markdown document.

## Headings Example

This is at level 2.

### Heading Level 3

This is at level 3.

#### Heading Level 4

This is at level 4.

## Text Styles

**bold**, __bold__, *italic*, _italic_, ***bold and italic***, ~~strike-through~~

## Bullets 

Use four spaces to indent a sub-item.

* Bullet 1
    * Bullet 1a
* Bullet 2
    * Bullet 2a

## Numbered Lists

Use four spaces to indent a sub-item.
Using `1` for all items means the makrdown processor will replace them with the correct number, making it easier to re-order items.

1. Item 1
    1. Item 1a
    1. Item 1b
1. Item 2
    1. Item 2a
    1. Item 2b

## Quoted Text

> This is a quote.


> This is another quote.  
> It has multiple lines...
> ...and gaps and bullets
> * Item 1
> * Item 2

## Tables

Note `---:` to right align a column, `:---:` to center align it.

| Syntax      | Description | Value | Fruit  |
| ----------- | ----------- | -----:| :----: |
| Row 1       | Title       | 1     | Pear   |
| Row 2       | Text        | 10    | Apple  |
| Row 3       | Text        | 100   | Kiwi   |
| Row 4       | Text        | 1000  | Orange |

Table using `<br>` for multi-line cells.

| Name      | Description     |
| Row 1     | Line 1<br>Line2 |
| Row 2     | Line 1<br>Line2 |

## Links

Line: [title](

## Simple Lists

Add two spaces to the end of each line to stop each line being treated as a paragraph.


## Paragraphs

Lines not separated by a blank line will be joined together with a space between them.
Stroom will wrap long lines when rendered.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

## Task Lists

The `X` indicates a task has been completed.

* [x] Write the press release
* [ ] Update the website
* [ ] Contact the media

## Images

A non-standard syntax is supported to render images at a set size in the form of `<width>x<height>`.
Use a `*` for one of the dimensions to scale it proportionately.

![This is my alt text](images/logo.svg =200x* "This is my tooltip title")

## Separator

This is a horizontal rule separator


## Code

Code can be represented in-line like this `echo "hello world"` by surround it with single back-ticks.

Multi-line blocks of code can rendered with the appropriate syntax highlighting using a fenced block comprising three back-ticks.
Specify the language after the first set of three back ticks, or `text` for plain text.
Only certain languages are supported in Stroom.

  "key1": "some text",
  "key2": 123

    <data name="dateTime" value="2020-09-28T14:30:33.476" />
    <data name="machineIp" value="" />

echo "Current date and time : $now"
echo "Computer name : $computer_name"


Long paragraphs will be wrapped

Code Syntax Highlighting

This is an example of a fenced code block.

    <data name="dateTime" value="2020-09-28T14:30:33.476" />

In this example, xml defines the language used within the fenced block.

Stroom supports the following languages for fenced code blocks. If you require additional languages then please raised a ticket here . If your language is not currently supported or is just plain text then use text.

  • text
  • sh
  • bash
  • xml
  • css
  • javascript
  • csv
  • regex
  • powershell
  • sql
  • json
  • yaml
  • properties
  • toml

Fenced blocks with content that is wider than the pane will result in the fenced block having its own horizontal scroll bar.

Escaping Characters

It is common to use _ characters in Feed names, however if there are two of these in a word then the markdown processor will interpret them as italic markup. To prevent this, either surround the word with back ticks to be rendered as code or escape each underscore with a \, i.e. THIS\_IS\_MY\_FEED. THIS_IS_MY_FEED.


While it is possible to use HTML in the documentation, its use is not recomended as it increases the complexity of the documentation content and requires that other users have knowledge of HTML. Markdown should be sufficient for most cases, with the possible exception of complex tables where HTML may be prefereable.

Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.7' into 7.8 (9d9eb5e)