Pipeline Elements

A reference for all the pipeline elements.


Reader elements decode the data in raw byte form using the Feed’s configured character encoding. Some of them will also transform the data at the character level before the data are parsed into a structured form.



Removes the Byte Order Mark (if present) from the stream.



Escapes the content of a configured list of named XML elements that are know to potentially contain un-escaped XML reserved characters. For example the element <Expression>$time < now()</Expression> would be transformed to <Expression>$time &lt; now()</Expression> if property leafList is set to Expression.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
tags A comma separated list of XML element names (case sensitive) between which non-escaped XML characters will be escaped, e.g. ‘>’ => ‘>’. - String



Replaces strings or regexes with new strings.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
bufferSize The number of characters to buffer when matching the regex. 1000 Integer
dotAll Let ‘.’ match all characters in a regex. false Boolean
escapeFind Whether or not to escape find pattern or text. true Boolean
escapeReplacement Whether or not to escape replacement text. true Boolean
find The text or regex pattern to find and replace. - String
maxReplacements The maximum number of times to try and replace text. There is no limit by default. - String
regex Whether the pattern should be treated as a literal or a regex. false Boolean
replacement The replacement text. - String
showReplacementCount Show total replacement count true Boolean



Removes any characters that are not in the standard XML character set. The version of XML (e.g. 1.0 or 1.1) can be set using the ‘xmlVersion’ property.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
warnOnRemoval Log a warning if any characters have been removed from the input stream. true Boolean
xmlVersion XML version, e.g. ‘1.0’ or ‘1.1’ 1.1 String



Replaces any characters that are not in the standard XML character set with a ‘�’. The version of XML (e.g. 1.0 or 1.1) can be set using the ‘xmlVersion’ property.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
warnOnReplacement Log a warning if any characters have been replaced in the input stream. true Boolean
xmlVersion XML version, e.g. ‘1.0’ or ‘1.1’ 1.1 String



A basic reader that simply decodes the raw bytes using the Feed’s configured character encoding. It does not transform the data in any other way.


Parser elements parse raw text data that has an expected structure (e.g. XML, JSON, CSV) into XML events (elements, attributes, text, etc) that can be further validated or transformed using XSLT. The choice of Parser will be dictated by the structure of the data. If no Reader is used before the Parser, the Parser will also do the job of a simple Reader and decode the raw bytes using the Feed’s configured character encoding.



The original general-purpose reader/parser that covers all source data types but provides less flexibility than the source format-specific parsers such as dsParser. It effectively combines a BOMRemovalFilterInput, an InvalidCharFilterReader and Parser (based on the type property.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
fixInvalidChars Fix invalid XML characters from the input stream. false Boolean
namePattern A name pattern to load a text converter dynamically. - String
suppressDocumentNotFoundWarnings If the text converter cannot be found to match the name pattern suppress warnings. false Boolean
textConverter The text converter configuration that should be used to parse the input data. - Document
type The parser type, e.g. ‘JSON’, ‘XML’, ‘Data Splitter’. - String



A parser for handling structured plain text data (e.g. CSV or fixed width fields) using the Data Splitter domain specific language. For more details see Data Splitter.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
namePattern A name pattern to load a data splitter dynamically. - String
suppressDocumentNotFoundWarnings If the data splitter cannot be found to match the name pattern suppress warnings. false Boolean
textConverter The data splitter configuration that should be used to parse the input data. - Document



A built-in parser for parsing JSON source data (in JSON fragment format) into an XML representation of the JSON. The Resulting XML will conform to the http://www.w3.org/2013/XSL/json namespace.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
addRootObject Add a root map element. true Boolean
allowBackslashEscapingAnyCharacter Feature that can be enabled to accept quoting of all character using backslash quoting mechanism: if not enabled, only characters that are explicitly listed by JSON specification can be thus escaped (see JSON spec for small list of these characters) false Boolean
allowComments Feature that determines whether parser will allow use of Java/C++ style comments (both ‘/’+’*’ and ‘//’ varieties) within parsed content or not. false Boolean
allowMissingValues Feature allows the support for “missing” values in a JSON array: missing value meaning sequence of two commas, without value in-between but only optional white space. false Boolean
allowNonNumericNumbers Feature that allows parser to recognize set of “Not-a-Number” (NaN) tokens as legal floating number values (similar to how many other data formats and programming language source code allows it). false Boolean
allowNumericLeadingZeros Feature that determines whether parser will allow JSON integral numbers to start with additional (ignorable) zeroes (like: 000001). false Boolean
allowSingleQuotes Feature that determines whether parser will allow use of single quotes (apostrophe, character ‘'’) for quoting Strings (names and String values). If so, this is in addition to other acceptable markers but not by JSON specification). false Boolean
allowTrailingComma Feature that determines whether we will allow for a single trailing comma following the final value (in an Array) or member (in an Object). These commas will simply be ignored. false Boolean
allowUnquotedControlChars Feature that determines whether parser will allow JSON Strings to contain unquoted control characters (ASCII characters with value less than 32, including tab and line feed characters) or not. If feature is set false, an exception is thrown if such a character is encountered. false Boolean
allowUnquotedFieldNames Feature that determines whether parser will allow use of unquoted field names (which is allowed by Javascript, but not by JSON specification). false Boolean
allowYamlComments Feature that determines whether parser will allow use of YAML comments, ones starting with ‘#’ and continuing until the end of the line. This commenting style is common with scripting languages as well. false Boolean



A parser to convert multiple XML fragments into an XML document. For example the data may contain:


i.e. with no root element, so not valid XML. The XMLFragmentParser will wrap the fragments with a root element as defined in the TextConverter document configured with the textConverterRef property.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
namePattern A name pattern to load a text converter dynamically. - String
suppressDocumentNotFoundWarnings If the text converter cannot be found to match the name pattern suppress warnings. false Boolean
textConverter The XML fragment wrapper that should be used to wrap the input XML. - Document



A parser to parse data that is expected to be XML into a series of XML events that can be consumed by a Filter element.


Filter elements work with XML events that have been generated by a parser. They can consume the events without modifying them, e.g. RecordCountFilter or modify them in some way, e.g. XSLTFilter. Multiple filters can be used one after another with each using the output from the last as its input.



A filter to send source data to an index.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
index The index to send records to. - Document



Used in a search extraction pipeline for extracting field values that have not been stored in the index and where the fields are dynamic and derived from the data rather than being defined in the Index settings. Consumes XML events in the index-documents:1 namespace to convert them into a form so that they can be used in a Dashboard/Query/Analytic.



A filter consuming XML events in the records:2 namespace to index/store the fields and their values in an Elasticsearch Index.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
batchSize Maximum number of documents to index in each bulk request. 10000 Integer
cluster Target Elasticsearch cluster. - Document
indexName Name of the Elasticsearch index. Variables specified such as {year} are replaced with the corresponding field values contained in the document root. Field names beginning with an underscore are not written to the document and are only used in the index name pattern. - String
ingestPipeline Name of the Elasticsearch ingest pipeline to execute when indexing. - String
purgeOnReprocess When reprocessing a stream, first delete any documents from the index matching the source stream ID. true Boolean
refreshAfterEachBatch Refresh the index after each batch is processed, making the indexed documents visible to searches. false Boolean



This element is deprecated, you should instead use the much more flexible HTTPAppender . This element will simply POST the output of the XML events to the configured URL.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
receivingApiUrl The URL of the receiving API. - String


image/svg+xml IdEnrichmentFilter  

Adds the attributes ‘StreamId’ and ‘EventId’ to the ’event’ element to enrich the event with its ordinal number in the stream and the ID of the stream that it belongs to. ID enrichment is required to be able to index events as it provides them with an ID that is unique within Stroom. It assumes that an record/event is an XML element at the first level below the root element, i.e. for ’event-logging:3’ XML this means the <Event> element.



A filter consuming XML events in the records:2 namespace to index/store the fields and their values in a Lucene Index.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
index The index to send records to. - Document



Takes XML input (conforming to the reference-data:2 schema) and loads the data into the Plan B State Store. Reference data values can be either simple strings or XML fragments.



Counts events/records in the stream. An event/record is taken to be an XML element that is at the first level below the root element, i.e. for ’event-logging:3’ XML this means the <Event> element.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
countRead Is this filter counting records read or records written? true Boolean



Filters out records/events that have raised an Error or Fatal Error during processing. If all records/events have raised at least an Error then no XML events will be output. It assumes that an record/event is an XML element at the first level below the root element, i.e.
for ’event-logging:3’ XML this means the <Event> element.""",



Takes XML input (conforming to the reference-data:2 schema) and loads the data into the Reference Data Store. Reference data values can be either simple strings or XML fragments.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
overrideExistingValues Allow duplicate keys to override existing values? true Boolean
warnOnDuplicateKeys Warn if there are duplicate keys found in the reference data? false Boolean



Restricts the characters to a very simple set consisting of [a-zA-Z0-9] and [ .:-_/]. All other characters are replaced by ~NNN, where NNN is a three digit codepoint for the replaced character.



Checks the format of the source data against one of a number of XML schemas. This ensures that if non-compliant data is generated, it will be flagged as in error and will not be passed to any subsequent processing elements.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
namespaceURI Limits the schemas that can be used to validate data to those with a matching namespace URI. - String
schemaGroup Limits the schemas that can be used to validate data to those with a matching schema group name. - String
schemaLanguage The schema language that the schema is written in. http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema String
schemaValidation Should schema validation be performed? true Boolean
systemId Limits the schemas that can be used to validate data to those with a matching system id. - String



Used in a search extraction pipeline for extracting field values that have not been stored in the index and where the field definitions are defined in the Index settings. Consumes XML events in the records:2 namespace to convert them into a form so that they can be used in a Dashboard/Query/Analytic.



Delivers source data to the specified index in an external Solr instance/cluster.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
batchSize How many documents to send to the index in a single post. 1000 Integer
commitWithinMs Commit indexed documents within the specified number of milliseconds. -1 Integer
index The index to send records to. - Document
softCommit Perform a soft commit after every batch so that docs are available for searching immediately (if using NRT replicas). true Boolean



Splits multi-record source data into smaller groups of records prior to delivery to an XSLT. This allows the XSLT to process data more efficiently than loading a potentially huge input stream into memory.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
splitCount The number of elements at the split depth to count before the XML is split. 10000 Integer
splitDepth The depth of XML elements to split at. 1 Integer
storeLocations Should this split filter store processing locations. true Boolean



Takes XML input (conforming to the reference-data:2 schema) and loads the data into the State Store. Reference data values can be either simple strings or XML fragments.



An element to allow the source data (conforming to the statistics XML Schema) to be sent to the MySQL based statistics data store.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
statisticsDataSource The statistics data source to record statistics against. - Document



An element to allow the source data (conforming to the statistics XML Schema) to be sent to an external stroom-stats service.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
flushOnSend At the end of the stream, wait for acknowledgement from the Kafka broker for all the messages sent. This ensures errors are caught in the pipeline process. true Boolean
kafkaConfig The Kafka config to use. - Document
statisticsDataSource The stroom-stats data source to record statistics against. - Document


image/svg+xml XPathExtractionOutputFilter  

TODO - Add description

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
multipleValueDelimiter The string to delimit multiple simple values. , String



An element used to transform XML data from one form to another using XSLT. The specified XSLT can be used to transform the input XML into XML conforming to another schema or into other forms such as JSON, plain text, etc.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
suppressXSLTNotFoundWarnings If XSLT cannot be found to match the name pattern suppress warnings. false Boolean
usePool Advanced: Choose whether or not you want to use cached XSLT templates to improve performance. true Boolean
xslt The XSLT to use. - Document
xsltNamePattern A name pattern to load XSLT dynamically. - String


Writers consume XML events (from Parsers and Filters) and convert them into a stream of bytes using the character encoding configured on the Writer (if applicable). The output data can then be fed to a Destination.



Writer to convert XML data conforming to the http://www.w3.org/2013/XSL/json XML Schema into JSON format.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
encoding The output character encoding to use. UTF-8 String
indentOutput Should output JSON be indented and include new lines (pretty printed)? false Boolean



Writer to convert XML character data events into plain text output.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
encoding The output character encoding to use. UTF-8 String
footer Footer text that can be added to the output at the end. - String
header Header text that can be added to the output at the start. - String



Writer to convert XML events data into XML output in the specified character encoding.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
encoding The output character encoding to use. UTF-8 String
indentOutput Should output XML be indented and include new lines (pretty printed)? false Boolean
suppressXSLTNotFoundWarnings If XSLT cannot be found to match the name pattern suppress warnings. false Boolean
xslt A previously saved XSLT, used to modify the output via xsl:output attributes. - Document
xsltNamePattern A name pattern for dynamic loading of an XSLT, that will modfy the output via xsl:output attributes. - String


Destination elements consume a stream of bytes from a Writer and persist then to a destination. This could be a file on a file system or to Stroom’s stream store.



Consume XML documents in the annotation:1 namespace and writes them as Stroom Annotations. Allows for the annotating of events that meet some criteria.



A destination used to write an output stream to a file on the file system. If multiple paths are specified in the ‘outputPaths’ property it will pick one at random to write to.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
compressionMethod Compression method to apply, if compression is enabled. Supported values: bzip2, deflate, gz, lz4-block, lz4-framed, lzma, pack200, snappy-framed, xz, zip, zstd. gz String
filePermissions Set file system permissions of finished files (example: ‘rwxr–r–’) - String
outputPaths One or more destination paths for output files separated with commas. Replacement variables can be used in path strings such as ${feed}. - String
rollSize When the current output file exceeds this size it will be closed and a new one created. - String
splitAggregatedStreams Choose if you want to split aggregated streams into separate output files. false Boolean
splitRecords Choose if you want to split individual records into separate output files. false Boolean
useCompression Apply compression to output files. false Boolean


Hadoop logoimage/svg+xmlHadoop logo HDFSFileAppender  

A destination used to write an output stream to a file on a Hadoop Distributed File System. If multiple paths are specified in the ‘outputPaths’ property it will pick one at random.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
fileSystemUri URI for the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) to connect to, e.g. hdfs://mynamenode.mydomain.com:8020 - String
outputPaths One or more destination paths for output files separated with commas. Replacement variables can be used in path strings such as ${feed}. - String
rollSize When the current output file exceeds this size it will be closed and a new one created. - String
runAsUser The user to connect to HDFS as - String
splitAggregatedStreams Choose if you want to split aggregated streams into separate output files. false Boolean
splitRecords Choose if you want to split individual records into separate output files. false Boolean



A destination used to write an output stream to a remote HTTP(S) server.

This element should be preferred over the deprecated HttpPostFilter .

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
compressionMethod Compression method to apply, if compression is enabled. Supported values: bzip2, deflate, gz, lz4-block, lz4-framed, lzma, pack200, snappy-framed, xz, zip, zstd. gz String
connectionTimeout How long to wait before we abort sending data due to connection timeout. The timeout is specified as either milliseconds, e.g. ‘60000’ or with a duration suffix, e.g. ‘500ms’, ‘2s’, ‘1m’, etc. - String
contentType The content type application/json String
forwardChunkSize Should data be sent in chunks and if so how big should the chunks be. Size is either specified in bytes e.g. ‘1024’ or with a IEC unit suffix, e.g. ‘1K’, ‘1M’, ‘1G’, etc. - String
forwardUrl The URL to send data to. - String
hostnameVerificationEnabled Set this to true to verify that the destination host name matches against the host names in the certificate supplied by the destination server. true Boolean
httpHeadersIncludeStreamMetaData Provide stream metadata as HTTP headers true Boolean
httpHeadersStreamMetaDataAllowList Comma delimited list of stream meta data keys to include as HTTP headers. Only works when httpHeadersIncludeStreamMetaData is set to true. If empty all headers are sent, unless httpHeadersStreamMetaDataDenyList is used. If httpHeadersStreamMetaDataAllowList contains keys, httpHeadersStreamMetaDataDenyList is ignored. - String
httpHeadersStreamMetaDataDenyList Comma delimited list of stream meta data keys to exclude as HTTP headers. Only works when httpHeadersIncludeStreamMetaData is set to true. If empty all headers are sent, unless httpHeadersStreamMetaDataAllowList is used. If httpHeadersStreamMetaDataAllowList contains keys, httpHeadersStreamMetaDataDenyList is ignored. - String
httpHeadersUserDefinedHeader1 Additional HTTP Header 1, format is ‘HeaderName: HeaderValue’ - String
httpHeadersUserDefinedHeader2 Additional HTTP Header 2, format is ‘HeaderName: HeaderValue’ - String
httpHeadersUserDefinedHeader3 Additional HTTP Header 3, format is ‘HeaderName: HeaderValue’ - String
keyStorePassword The key store password - String
keyStorePath The key store file path on the server - String
keyStoreType The key store type. Valid values are [‘JCEKS’, ‘JKS’, ‘DKS’, ‘PKCS11’, ‘PKCS12’]. JKS String
logMetaKeys Specifies Which meta data keys will have their values logged in the send log. A Comma delimited string of keys. guid,receiptid,feed,system,environment,remotehost,remoteaddress String
readTimeout How long to wait for data to be available before closing the connection. The timeout is specified as either milliseconds, e.g. ‘60000’ or with a duration suffix, e.g. ‘500ms’, ‘2s’, ‘1m’, etc. - String
requestMethod The HTTP request method. Valid values are GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE and TRACE. POST String
rollSize When the current output exceeds this size it will be closed and a new one created. Size is either specified in bytes e.g. ‘1024’ or with a IEC unit suffix, e.g. ‘1K’, ‘1M’, ‘1G’, etc. - String
splitAggregatedStreams Choose if you want to split aggregated streams into separate output. false Boolean
splitRecords Choose if you want to split individual records into separate output. false Boolean
sslProtocol The SSL protocol to use TLSv1.2 String
trustStorePassword The trust store password - String
trustStorePath The trust store file path on the server - String
trustStoreType The trust store type Valid values are [‘JCEKS’, ‘JKS’, ‘DKS’, ‘PKCS11’, ‘PKCS12’]. JKS String
useCompression Should data be compressed when sending true Boolean
useContentEncodingHeader Whether to use the ‘Content-Encoding’ HTTP header when useCompression is ’true’. If ‘false’ (the default), the ‘Compression’ header will be used, which is supported by .Stroom/Stroom-Proxy destinations. ‘Content-Encoding’ would be required for other destinations, but is only applicable for compression types ‘gz’, ‘zstd’ or ‘deflate’. false Boolean
useJvmSslConfig Use JVM SSL config. Set this to true if the Stroom node has been configured with key/trust stores using java system properties like ‘javax.net.ssl.keyStore’.Set this to false if you are explicitly setting key/trust store properties on this HttpAppender. true Boolean



A destination used to write an output stream to a file on the file system. If multiple paths are specified in the ‘outputPaths’ property it will pick one at random to write to. This is distinct from the FileAppender in that when the rollSize is reached it will move the current file to the path specified in rolledFileName and resume writing to the original path. This allows other processes to follow the changes to a single file path, e.g. when using tail. On system shutdown all active files will be rolled.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
compressionMethod Compression method to apply, if compression is enabled. Supported values: bzip2, deflate, gz, lz4-block, lz4-framed, lzma, pack200, snappy-framed, xz, zip, zstd. gz String
fileName Choose the name of the file to write. - String
filePermissions Set file system permissions of finished files (example: ‘rwxr–r–’) - String
frequency Choose how frequently files are rolled. 1h String
outputPaths One or more destination paths for output files separated with commas. Replacement variables can be used in path strings such as ${feed}. - String
rollSize When the current output file exceeds this size it will be closed and a new one created, e.g. 10M, 1G. 100M String
rolledFileName Choose the name that files will be renamed to when they are rolled. - String
schedule Provide a cron expression to determine when files are rolled. - String
useCompression Apply GZIP compression to output files false Boolean



A destination used to write one or more output streams to a new stream which is then rolled when it reaches a certain size or age. A new stream will be created after the size or age criteria has been met. On system shutdown all active streams will be rolled.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
feed The feed that output stream should be written to. If not specified the feed the input stream belongs to will be used. - Document
frequency Choose how frequently streams are rolled. 1h String
rollSize Choose the maximum size that a stream can be before it is rolled. 100M String
schedule Provide a cron expression to determine when streams are rolled. - String
segmentOutput Should the output stream be marked with indexed segments to allow fast access to individual records? true Boolean
streamType The stream type that the output stream should be written as. This must be specified. - String
volumeGroup Optionally override the default volume group of the destination feed. - String



A destination used to write an output stream to an S3 bucket.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
bucketNamePattern Set the bucket name pattern if you want to override the one provided by the S3 config. - String
compressionMethod Compression method to apply, if compression is enabled. Supported values: bzip2, deflate, gz, lz4-block, lz4-framed, lzma, pack200, snappy-framed, xz, zip, zstd. gz String
keyNamePattern Set the key name pattern if you want to override the one provided by the S3 config. ${type}/${year}/${month}/${day}/${idPath}/${feed}/${idPadded}.gz String
rollSize When the current output object exceeds this size it will be closed and a new one created. - String
s3Config The S3 bucket config to use. - Document
splitAggregatedStreams Choose if you want to split aggregated streams into separate output objects. false Boolean
splitRecords Choose if you want to split individual records into separate output objects. false Boolean
useCompression Apply compression to output objects. true Boolean



Consumes XML documents in the kafka-records:2 namespace. For each <kafkaRecord> element converts it into a Kafka message that is passed to the Kafka producer defined by the kafkaConfig property

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
flushOnSend At the end of the stream, wait for acknowledgement from the Kafka broker for all the messages sent. This ensures errors are caught in the pipeline process. true Boolean
kafkaConfig Kafka configuration details relating to where and how to send Kafka messages. - Document



A destination used to write the output stream to a new stream in the stream store. The configuration allows for starting a new stream once a size threshold is reached.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
feed The feed that output stream should be written to. If not specified the feed the input stream belongs to will be used. - Document
rollSize When the current output stream exceeds this size it will be closed and a new one created. - String
segmentOutput Should the output stream be marked with indexed segments to allow fast access to individual records? true Boolean
splitAggregatedStreams Choose if you want to split aggregated streams into separate output streams. false Boolean
splitRecords Choose if you want to split individual records into separate output streams. false Boolean
streamType The stream type that the output stream should be written as. This must be specified. - String
volumeGroup Optionally override the default volume group of the destination feed. - String



This element is deprecated and should not be used.

Element properties:

Name Description Default Value Value Type
flushOnSend At the end of the stream, wait for acknowledgement from the Kafka broker for all the messages sent. This ensures errors are caught in the pipeline process. true Boolean
kafkaConfig The Kafka config to use. - Document
maxRecordCount Choose the maximum number of records or events that a message will contain 1 String
statisticsDataSource The stroom-stats data source to record statistics against. - Document
Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.7' into 7.8 (9d9eb5e)