Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for actions in Stroom.

This section describes all the keyboard shortcuts that are available to use in Stroom. Some shortcuts apply everywhere and some are specific to the screen that you are in or the user interface component that has focus.

Keyboard shortcuts can take two forms:

  • Combination - Multiple keys pressed at the same time, e.g. Ctrl ^ + Enter ↵ .
  • Sequence* - Multiple keys pressed in sequence with only one key pressed at a time, e.g. g , t , press

General Shortcuts

Action Shortcut Notes
Cancel Esc Closes/cancels an open popup or dialog discarding any changes. Equivalent to clicking Cancel on a dialog.
Select / toggle Space ␣ Selects a row/item in a table, list, selection box or tab bar. Toggles a focused checkbox. Selects a radio button.
Execute Enter ↵ Selects a row/item in a table, list, selection box or tab bar. Opens a Document/Date picker dialog on a Document/Date field.
OK Ctrl ^ + Enter ↵ Equivalent to clicking OK on a dialog, closes the dialog accepting any changes.
Context Menu Menu ☰ Shows the context menu for the selected item, e.g. the selected item in the explorer tree.
Select all Ctrl ^ + a
Save Ctrl ^ + s Save the current tab.
Save all Ctrl ^ + Shift ⇧ + s Saves all open and un-saved tabs.
Close Alt + w Close the current tab.
Close all Shift ⇧ + Alt + w Closes all open tabs.


Movement within lists, selection boxes or tab bars you can use the cursor keys, hjkl or wasd to move between items.

Action Shortcut
Up or k or w
Down or j or s
Left or h or a
Right or l or d

You can also move up or down by page using:

Action Shortcut
Page Up PageUp
Page Down PageDown
Home / Start Home
End End

Finding Things

Action Shortcut Notes
Find documents by name Shift ⇧ + Alt + f or Shift ⇧ , Shift ⇧ Find documents by name, type, UUID .
Find in content Ctrl ^ + Shift ⇧ + f Find documents whose content contains the search term. This is the same as clicking the icon on the explorer tree.
Recent items Ctrl ^ + e Find a document in a list of the most recently opened items.
Locate document Alt + l Locate the currently open document in the explorer tree. This is the same as clicking the icon on the explorer tree.
Help F1 Show the help popup for the currently focused screen control, e.g. a text box. This shortcut will only work if there is a help next to the control.
Focus the Explorer Tree filter Ctrl ^ + / Changes focus to the Quick Filter in the Explorer Tree pane.
Focus the current tab Quick Filter / If the currently open tab has a Quick Filter bar it will change focus to that so a filter term can be entered.

Direct Access to Screens

The following shortcuts are all of the sequential type with the mnemonic Goto X. These shortcuts may not do anything if you do not have the required permissions for the screen in question.

Action Shortcut Notes
Goto Application Permissions g , a
Goto Caches g , c
Goto Dependencies g , d
Goto Explorer Tree g , e Changes focus to the Explorer Tree so the user can use the Movement shortcuts to move around the tree to select different documents.
Goto Index Volumes g , i
Goto Jobs g , j
Goto API Keys g , k
Goto Nodes g , n
Goto Properties g , p
Goto Data Retention g , r
Goto Search Results g , s
Goto Server Tasks g , t
Goto User Preferences g , u
Goto Data Volumes g , v
Goto User Accounts g , x

Creating New Documents

The following shortcuts will open the dialog to create a new document in the currently selected explorer tree folder. If a document is currently selected in the explorer tree then the new document will be created in the same folder as the selected document. If nothing is selected or multiple items are selected then these key sequences have no effect.

Action Shortcut
Create Elastic Index c , c
Create Dashboard c , d
Create Feed c , e
Create Folder c , f
Create Dictionary c , i
Create Lucene Index c , l
Create Documentation c , o
Create Pipeline c , p
Create Query c , q
Create Analytic Rule c , r
Create Text Converter c , t
Create View c , v
Create XSLT c , x

Screen Specific Shortcuts


The following shortcuts are available when editing a Dashboard .

Action Shortcut Notes
Execute all queries Ctrl ^ + Enter ↵ Executes all queries on the Dashboard. This is the same as clicking .

Pipeline Stepping

The following shortcuts are available when stepping a pipeline.

Action Shortcut Notes
Step refresh Ctrl ^ + Enter ↵ Refresh the current step. This is the same as clicking .


The following shortcuts are available when editing a Query .

Action Shortcut Notes
Execute query Ctrl ^ + Enter ↵ Execute the current query. This is the same as clicking .

Text Editor

The following common shortcuts are available when editing text editing text in the Ace text editor that is used on many screens in Stroom, e.g. when editing a Pipeline or Query.

Action Shortcut Notes
Undo Ctrl ^ + z Undo last action.
Redo Ctrl ^ + Shift ⇧ + z Redo previously undone action.
Toggle comment Ctrl ^ + / Toggle commenting of current line/selection. Applies when editing XML, XSLT or Javascript.
Move line up Alt + Move line/selection up.
Move line down Alt + Move line/selection down.
Delete line Ctrl ^ + d Delete the current line.
Find Ctrl ^ + f Open find dialog.
Find/replace Ctrl ^ + h Open find/replace dialog.
Find next match Ctrl ^ + k Find next match.
Find previous match Ctrl ^ + Shift ⇧ + k Find previous match.
Indent selection Tab ↹ Indent the selected text.
Outdent selection Shift ⇧ + Tab ↹ Un-indent the selected text.
Upper-case Ctrl ^ + u Make the selected text upper-case.
Open Completion list Ctrl ^ + Space ␣ Open the code completion list to show suggestions based on the current word. See Auto-Completion.
Trigger snippet Tab ↹ Trigger the insertion of a snippet for the currently entered snippet trigger text. See Tab Triggers.

See Ace Default keyboard shortcuts for more.

If you know Vim key bindings then the Ace editor supports a reasonable sub-set of them, see Vim Key Bindings.

Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.7' into 7.8 (9d9eb5e)