Install Operator

How to install the Stroom Kubernetes operator.


  1. Kubernetes cluster, version >= 1.20.2
  2. metrics-server (pre-installed with some K8s distributions)
  3. kubectl and cluster-wide admin access


Stage the following images in a locally-accessible container registry:

  1. All images listed in:
  2. MySQL (e.g. mysql/mysql-server:8.0.25)
  3. Stroom (e.g. gchq/stroom:v7-LATEST)
  4. gchq/stroom-log-sender:v2.2.0 (only required if log forwarding is enabled)

Install the Stroom K8s Operator

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Edit ./deploy/all-in-one.yaml, prefixing any referenced images with your private registry URL. For example, if your private registry is, the image will become:

  3. Deploy the Operator

    kubectl apply -f ./deploy/all-in-one.yaml

The Stroom K8s Operator is now deployed to namespace stroom-operator-system. You can monitor its progress by watching the Pod named stroom-operator-controller-manager. Once it reaches Ready state, you can deploy a Stroom cluster.

Allocating more resources

If the Operator Pod is killed due to running out of memory, you may want to increase the amount allocated to it.

This can be done by:

  1. Editing the resources.limits settings of the controller Pod in all-in-one.yaml
  2. kubectl apply -f all-in-one.yaml

Next steps

Configure a Stroom database server

Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.7' into 7.8 (9d9eb5e)