Stroom Proxy Configuration

Describes how the Stroom-Proxy application is configured.

The configuration of Stroom-proxy is very much the same as for Stroom with the only difference being the structure of the application specific part of the config.yml file. Stroom-proxy has a proxyConfig key in the YAML while Stroom has appConfig.

General configuration

The Stroom-proxy application is essentially just an executable JAR file that can be run when provided with a configuration file, config.yml. This configuration file is common to all forms of deployment.


Stroom-proxy does not have a user interface so the config.yml file is the only way of configuring stroom-proxy. As with stroom, the config.yml file is split into three sections using these keys:

  • server - Configuration of the web server, e.g. ports, paths, request logging.
  • logging - Configuration of application logging
  • proxyConfig - Stroom-Proxy specific configuration

See also Properties for more details on structure of the config.yml file and supported data types.

Stroom-Proxy operates on a configuration by exception basis so all configuration properties will have a sensible default value and a property only needs to be explicitly configured if the default value is not appropriate, e.g. for tuning a large scale production deployment or where values are environment specific. As a result config.yml only contains a minimal set of properties. The full tree of properties can be seen in ./config/config-defaults.yml and a schema for the configuration tree (along with descriptions for each property) can be found in ./config/config-schema.yml. These two files can be used as a reference when configuring stroom.

Key Configuration Properties

Stroom-proxy has two main functions, storing and forwarding. It can be configured to do either or both of these functions. These functions are enabled/disabled using:


  # The list of named destinations that Stroom-Proxy will forward to
    - enabled: true
      name: "downstream"
      forwardUrl: "https://some-host/stroom/datafeed"

  # Whether to store received data in a repository
    storingEnabled: true

  # If we are storing data in a proxy repository we can aggregate it before forwarding.
    maxItemsPerAggregate: 1000
    maxUncompressedByteSize: "1G"
    maxAggregateAge: 10m
    aggregationFrequency: 1m

Stroom-proxy should be configured to check the receipt status of feeds on receipt of data. This is done by configuring the end point of a downstream stroom-proxy or stroom.

    url: "http://stroom:8080/api/feedStatus/v1"
    apiKey: ""

The url should be the url for the feed status API on the downstream stroom(-proxy). If this is on the same host then you can use the http endpoint, however if it is on a remote host then you should use https and the host of its nginx, e.g. https://downstream-instance/api/feedStatus/v1.

In order to use the API, the proxy must have a configured apiKey. The API key must be created in the downstream stroom instance and then copied into this configuration.

If the proxy is configured to forward data then the forward destination(s) should be set. This is the datafeed endpoint of the downstream stroom-proxy or stroom instance that data will be forwarded to. This may also be te address of a load balancer or similar that is fronting a cluster of stroom-proxy or stroom instances. See also Feed status certificate configuration.

    - enabled: true
      name: "downstream"
      forwardUrl: "https://some-host/stroom/datafeed"

forwardUrl specifies the URL of the datafeed endpoint on the destination host. Each forward location can use a different key/trust store pair. See also Forwarding certificate configuration.

If the proxy is configured to store then it is the location of the proxy repository may need to be configured if it needs to be in a different location to the proxy home directory, e.g. on another mount point.

Deploying without Docker

Apart from the structure of the config.yml file, the configuration in a non-docker environment is the same as for stroom

As part of a docker stack

The way stroom-proxy is configured is essentially the same as for stroom with the only real difference being the structure of the config.yml file as note above . As with stroom the docker stack comes with a ./volumes/stroom-proxy-*/config/config.yml file that will be used in the absence of a provided one. Also as with stroom, the config.yml file supports environment variable substitution so can make use of environment variables set in the stack env file and passed down via the docker-compose YAML files.


Stroom-proxy makes use of client certificates for two purposes:

  • Communicating with a downstream stroom/stroom-proxy in order to establish the receipt status for the feeds it has received data for.
  • When forwarding data to a downstream stroom/stroom-proxy

The stack comes with the following files that can be used for demo/test purposes.


For a production deployment these will need to be changed, see Certificates

Feed status certificate configuration

The configuration of the client certificates for feed status checks is done using the FEED_STATUS jersey client configuration. See Stroom and Stroom-Proxy Common Configuration.

Forwarding certificate configuration

Stroom-proxy can forward to multiple locations. The configuration of the certificate(s) for the forwarding locations is as follows:


    - enabled: true
      name: "downstream"
      forwardUrl: "https://some-host/stroom/datafeed"
        keyStorePath: "/stroom-proxy/certs/client.jks"
        keyStorePassword: "password"
        keyStoreType: "JKS"
        trustStorePath: "/stroom-proxy/certs/ca.jks"
        trustStorePassword: "password"
        trustStoreType: "JKS"
        hostnameVerificationEnabled: true

forwardUrl specifies the URL of the datafeed endpoint on the destination host. Each forward location can use a different key/trust store pair.

Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.7' into 7.8 (9d9eb5e)