Stroom Search API

Stroom v6 introduced an API that allows a user to perform queries against Stroom resources such as indices and statistics. This is a guide to show how to perform a Stroom Query directly from bash using Stroom v7.
  1. Create an API Key for yourself, this will allow the API to authenticate as you and run the query with your privileges.

  2. Create a Dashboard that extracts the data you are interested in. You should create a Query and Table.

  3. Download the JSON for your Query. Press the download icon in the Query Pane to generate a file containing the JSON. Save the JSON to a file named query.json.

  4. Use curl to send the query to Stroom.

    API_KEY='<put your API Key here' \ \
    curl \
    -s \
    --request POST \
    ${URL} \
    -o response.out \
    -H "Authorization:Bearer ${API_KEY}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data-binary @query.json

  5. The query response should be in a file named response.out.

  6. Optional step: reformat the response to csv using jq.

    cat response.out | jq '.results[0].rows[].values | @csv'
Last modified November 26, 2024: Merge branch '7.5' into 7.6 (5fb86ee)