Testing Stroom Installation

This HOWTO will demonstrate various ways to test that your Stroom installation has been successful.


Stroom Single or Multi Node Cluster Testing

Data Post Tests

Simple Post tests

These tests are to ensure the Stroom Store proxy and it’s connection to the database is working along with the Apache mod_jk loadbalancer. We will send a file to the load balanced stroomp.strmdev00.org node (really stroomp00.strmdev00.org) and each time we send the file, it’s receipt should be managed by alternate proxy nodes. As a number of elements can effect load balancing, it is not always guaranteed to alternate every time but for the most part it will.

Perform the following

  • Log onto the Stroom database node (stroomdb0.strmdev00.org) as any user.
  • Log onto both Stroom nodes and become the stroomuser and monitor each node’s Stroom proxy service using the Tp bash macro. That is, on each node, run
sudo -i -u stroomuser

You will note events of the form from stroomp00.strmdev00.org:

2017-01-14T06:22:26.672Z INFO  [ProxyProperties refresh thread 0] datafeed.ProxyHandlerFactory$1 (ProxyHandlerFactory.java:96) - refreshThread() - Started
2017-01-14T06:30:00.993Z INFO  [Repository Reader Thread 1] handler.ProxyRepositoryReader (ProxyRepositoryReader.java:143) - run() - Cron Match at 2017-01-14T06:30:00.993Z
2017-01-14T06:40:00.245Z INFO  [Repository Reader Thread 1] handler.ProxyRepositoryReader (ProxyRepositoryReader.java:143) - run() - Cron Match at 2017-01-14T06:40:00.245Z

and from stroomp01.strmdev00.org:

2017-01-14T06:22:26.828Z INFO  [ProxyProperties refresh thread 0] datafeed.ProxyHandlerFactory$1 (ProxyHandlerFactory.java:96) - refreshThread() - Started
2017-01-14T06:30:00.066Z INFO  [Repository Reader Thread 1] handler.ProxyRepositoryReader (ProxyRepositoryReader.java:143) - run() - Cron Match at 2017-01-14T06:30:00.066Z
2017-01-14T06:40:00.318Z INFO  [Repository Reader Thread 1] handler.ProxyRepositoryReader (ProxyRepositoryReader.java:143) - run() - Cron Match at 2017-01-14T06:40:00.318Z
  • On the Stroom database node, execute the command
curl -k --data-binary @/etc/group "https://stroomp.strmdev00.org/stroom/datafeed" -H "Feed:TEST-FEED-V1_0" -H "System:EXAMPLE_SYSTEM" -H "Environment:EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT"

If you are monitoring the proxy log of stroomp00.strmdev00.org you would see two new logs indicating the successful arrival of the file

2017-01-14T06:46:06.411Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-1] handler.LogRequestHandler (LogRequestHandler.java:37) - log() - guid=54dc0da2-f35c-4dc2-8a98-448415ffc76b,feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0,system=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM,environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT,remotehost=,remoteaddress=
2017-01-14T06:46:06.449Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-1] datafeed.DataFeedRequestHandler$1 (DataFeedRequestHandler.java:104) - "doPost() - Took 571 ms to process (concurrentRequestCount=1) 200","Environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT","Feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0","GUID=54dc0da2-f35c-4dc2-8a98-448415ffc76b","ReceivedTime=2017-01-14T06:46:05.883Z","RemoteAddress=","RemoteHost=","System=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM","accept=*/*","content-length=527","content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded","host=stroomp.strmdev00.org","user-agent=curl/7.29.0"
  • On the Stroom database node, again execute the command
curl -k --data-binary @/etc/group "https://stroomp.strmdev00.org/stroom/datafeed" -H "Feed:TEST-FEED-V1_0" -H "System:EXAMPLE_SYSTEM" -H "Environment:EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT"

If you are monitoring the proxy log of stroomp01.strmdev00.org you should see a new log. As foreshadowed, we didn’t as the time delay resulted in the first node getting the file. That is stroomp00.strmdev00.org log file gained the two entries

2017-01-14T06:47:26.642Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-2] handler.LogRequestHandler (LogRequestHandler.java:37) - log() - guid=941d2904-734f-4764-9ccf-4124b94a56f6,feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0,system=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM,environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT,remotehost=,remoteaddress=
2017-01-14T06:47:26.645Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-2] datafeed.DataFeedRequestHandler$1 (DataFeedRequestHandler.java:104) - "doPost() - Took 174 ms to process (concurrentRequestCount=1) 200","Environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT","Feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0","GUID=941d2904-734f-4764-9ccf-4124b94a56f6","ReceivedTime=2017-01-14T06:47:26.470Z","RemoteAddress=","RemoteHost=","System=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM","accept=*/*","content-length=527","content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded","host=stroomp.strmdev00.org","user-agent=curl/7.29.0"
  • Again on the database node, execute the command and this time we see that node stroomp01.strmdev00.org received the file as per
2017-01-14T06:47:30.782Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-1] handler.LogRequestHandler (LogRequestHandler.java:37) - log() - guid=2cef6e23-b0e6-4d75-8374-cca7caf66e15,feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0,system=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM,environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT,remotehost=,remoteaddress=
2017-01-14T06:47:30.816Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-1] datafeed.DataFeedRequestHandler$1 (DataFeedRequestHandler.java:104) - "doPost() - Took 593 ms to process (concurrentRequestCount=1) 200","Environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT","Feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0","GUID=2cef6e23-b0e6-4d75-8374-cca7caf66e15","ReceivedTime=2017-01-14T06:47:30.238Z","RemoteAddress=","RemoteHost=","System=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM","accept=*/*","content-length=527","content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded","host=stroomp.strmdev00.org","user-agent=curl/7.29.0"
  • Running the curl post command in quick succession shows the loadbalancer working … four executions result in seeing our pair of logs appearing on alternate proxies.


2017-01-14T06:52:09.815Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-3] handler.LogRequestHandler (LogRequestHandler.java:37) - log() - guid=bf0bc38c-3533-4d5c-9ddf-5d30c0302787,feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0,system=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM,environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT,remotehost=,remoteaddress=
2017-01-14T06:52:09.817Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-3] datafeed.DataFeedRequestHandler$1 (DataFeedRequestHandler.java:104) - "doPost() - Took 262 ms to process (concurrentRequestCount=1) 200","Environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT","Feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0","GUID=bf0bc38c-3533-4d5c-9ddf-5d30c0302787","ReceivedTime=2017-01-14T06:52:09.555Z","RemoteAddress=","RemoteHost=","System=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM","accept=*/*","content-length=527","content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded","host=stroomp.strmdev00.org","user-agent=curl/7.29.0"


2017-01-14T06:52:11.139Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-2] handler.LogRequestHandler (LogRequestHandler.java:37) - log() - guid=1088fdd8-6869-489f-8baf-948891363734,feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0,system=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM,environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT,remotehost=,remoteaddress=
2017-01-14T06:52:11.150Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-2] datafeed.DataFeedRequestHandler$1 (DataFeedRequestHandler.java:104) - "doPost() - Took 289 ms to process (concurrentRequestCount=1) 200","Environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT","Feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0","GUID=1088fdd8-6869-489f-8baf-948891363734","ReceivedTime=2017-01-14T06:52:10.861Z","RemoteAddress=","RemoteHost=","System=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM","accept=*/*","content-length=527","content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded","host=stroomp.strmdev00.org","user-agent=curl/7.29.0"


2017-01-14T06:52:12.284Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-4] handler.LogRequestHandler (LogRequestHandler.java:37) - log() - guid=def94a4a-cf78-4c4d-9261-343663f7f79a,feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0,system=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM,environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT,remotehost=,remoteaddress=
2017-01-14T06:52:12.289Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-4] datafeed.DataFeedRequestHandler$1 (DataFeedRequestHandler.java:104) - "doPost() - Took 5.0 ms to process (concurrentRequestCount=1) 200","Environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT","Feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0","GUID=def94a4a-cf78-4c4d-9261-343663f7f79a","ReceivedTime=2017-01-14T06:52:12.284Z","RemoteAddress=","RemoteHost=","System=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM","accept=*/*","content-length=527","content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded","host=stroomp.strmdev00.org","user-agent=curl/7.29.0"


2017-01-14T06:52:13.374Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-3] handler.LogRequestHandler (LogRequestHandler.java:37) - log() - guid=55dda4c9-2c76-43c8-9b48-dcdb3a1f459b,feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0,system=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM,environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT,remotehost=,remoteaddress=
2017-01-14T06:52:13.378Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-3] datafeed.DataFeedRequestHandler$1 (DataFeedRequestHandler.java:104) - "doPost() - Took 3.0 ms to process (concurrentRequestCount=1) 200","Environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT","Feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0","GUID=55dda4c9-2c76-43c8-9b48-dcdb3a1f459b","ReceivedTime=2017-01-14T06:52:13.374Z","RemoteAddress=","RemoteHost=","System=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM","accept=*/*","content-length=527","content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded","host=stroomp.strmdev00.org","user-agent=curl/7.29.0"

At this point we will see what the proxies have received.

  • On each node run the command
ls -l /stroomdata/stroom-working*/proxy

On stroomp00 we see

[stroomuser@stroomp00 ~]$ ls -l /stroomdata/stroom-working*/proxy
total 16
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 785 Jan 14 17:46 001.zip
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 783 Jan 14 17:47 002.zip
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 784 Jan 14 17:52 003.zip
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 783 Jan 14 17:52 004.zip
[stroomuser@stroomp00 ~]$

and on stroomp01 we see

[stroomuser@stroomp01 ~]$ ls -l /stroomdata/stroom-working*/proxy
total 12
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 785 Jan 14 17:47 001.zip
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 783 Jan 14 17:52 002.zip
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 784 Jan 14 17:52 003.zip
[stroomuser@stroomp01 ~]$

which corresponds to the seven posts of data and the associated events in the proxy logs. To see the contents of one of these files we execute on either node, the command

unzip -c /stroomdata/stroom-working*/proxy/001.zip

to see

Archive:  /stroomdata/stroom-working-p00/proxy/001.zip
  inflating: 001.dat

  inflating: 001.meta

[stroomuser@stroomp00 ~]$

Checking the /etc/group file on stroomdb0.strmdev00.org confirms the above contents. For the present, ignore the metadata file present in the zip archive.

If you execute the same command on the other files, all that changes is the value of the ReceivedTime: attribute in the .meta file.

For those curious about the file size differences, this is a function of the compression process within the proxy. Using stroomp01’s files and extracting them manually and renaming them results in the six files

[stroomuser@stroomp01 xx]$ ls -l
total 24
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 527 Jan 14 17:47 A_001.dat
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 321 Jan 14 17:47 A_001.meta
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 527 Jan 14 17:52 B_001.dat
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 321 Jan 14 17:52 B_001.meta
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 527 Jan 14 17:52 C_001.dat
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 321 Jan 14 17:52 C_001.meta
[stroomuser@stroomp01 xx]$ cmp A_001.dat B_001.dat
[stroomuser@stroomp01 xx]$ cmp B_001.dat C_001.dat
[stroomuser@stroomp01 xx]$ 

We have effectively tested the receipt of our data and the load balancing of the Apache mod_jk installation.

Simple Direct Post tests

In this test we will use the direct feed interface of the Stroom application, rather than sending data via the proxy. One would normally use this interface for time sensitive data which shouldn’t aggregate in a proxy waiting for the Stroom application to collect it. In this situation we use the command

curl -k --data-binary @/etc/group "https://stroomp.strmdev00.org/stroom/datafeeddirect" -H "Feed:TEST-FEED-V1_0" -H "System:EXAMPLE_SYSTEM" -H "Environment:EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT"

To prepare for this test, we monitor the Stroom application log using the T bash alias on each node. So on each node run the command

sudo -i -u stroomuser

On each node you should see LifecyleTask events, for example,

2017-01-14T07:42:08.281Z INFO  [Stroom P2 #7 - LifecycleTask] spring.StroomBeanMethodExecutable (StroomBeanMethodExecutable.java:47) - Executing nodeStatusExecutor.exec
2017-01-14T07:42:18.284Z INFO  [Stroom P2 #2 - LifecycleTask] spring.StroomBeanMethodExecutable (StroomBeanMethodExecutable.java:47) - Executing SQLStatisticEventStore.evict
2017-01-14T07:42:18.284Z INFO  [Stroom P2 #10 - LifecycleTask] spring.StroomBeanMethodExecutable (StroomBeanMethodExecutable.java:47) - Executing activeQueriesManager.evictExpiredElements
2017-01-14T07:42:18.285Z INFO  [Stroom P2 #7 - LifecycleTask] spring.StroomBeanMethodExecutable (StroomBeanMethodExecutable.java:47) - Executing distributedTaskFetcher.execute

To perform the test, on the database node, run the posting command a number of times in rapid succession. This will result in server.DataFeedServiceImpl events in both log files. The Stroom application log is quite busy, you may have to look for these logs.

In the following we needed to execute the posting command three times before seeing the data arrive on both nodes. Looking at the arrival times, the file turned up on the second node twice before appearing on the first node. strooomp00:

2017-01-14T07:43:09.394Z INFO  [ajp-apr-8009-exec-6] server.DataFeedServiceImpl (DataFeedServiceImpl.java:133) - handleRequest response 200 - 0 - OK

and on stroomp01:

2017-01-14T07:43:05.614Z INFO  [ajp-apr-8009-exec-1] server.DataFeedServiceImpl (DataFeedServiceImpl.java:133) - handleRequest response 200 - 0 - OK
2017-01-14T07:43:06.821Z INFO  [ajp-apr-8009-exec-2] server.DataFeedServiceImpl (DataFeedServiceImpl.java:133) - handleRequest response 200 - 0 - OK

To confirm this data arrived, we need to view the Data pane of our TEST-FEED-V1_0 tab. To do this, log onto the Stroom UI then move the cursor to the TEST-FEED-V1_0 entry in the Explorer tab and select the item with a left click


Stroom UI Test Feed - Open Feed

and double click on the entry to see our TEST-FEED-V1_0 tab.


Stroom UI Test Feed - Opened Feed
and it is noted that we are viewing the Feed’s attributes as we can see the Setting hyper-link highlighted. As we want to see the Data we have received for this feed, move the cursor to the Data hyper-link and select it to see

Stroom UI Test Feed - Opened Feed view Data

These three entries correspond to the three posts we performed.

We have successfully tested direct posting to a Stroom feed and that the Apache mod_jk loadbalancer also works for this posting method.

Test Proxy Aggregation is Working

To test that the Proxy Aggregation is working, we need to enable on each node.

By enabling the Proxy Aggregation process, both nodes immediately performed the task as indicated by each node’s Stroom application logs as per stroomp00:

2017-01-14T07:58:58.752Z INFO  [Stroom P2 #3 - LifecycleTask] server.ProxyAggregationExecutor (ProxyAggregationExecutor.java:138) - exec() - started
2017-01-14T07:58:58.937Z INFO  [Stroom P2 #2 - GenericServerTask] server.ProxyAggregationExecutor$2 (ProxyAggregationExecutor.java:203) - processFeedFiles() - Started TEST-FEED-V1_0 (4 Files)
2017-01-14T07:58:59.045Z INFO  [Stroom P2 #2 - GenericServerTask] server.ProxyAggregationExecutor$2 (ProxyAggregationExecutor.java:265) - processFeedFiles() - Completed TEST-FEED-V1_0 in 108 ms
2017-01-14T07:58:59.101Z INFO  [Stroom P2 #3 - LifecycleTask] server.ProxyAggregationExecutor (ProxyAggregationExecutor.java:152) - exec() - completedin 349 ms

and stroomp01:

2017-01-14T07:59:16.687Z INFO  [Stroom P2 #10 - LifecycleTask] server.ProxyAggregationExecutor (ProxyAggregationExecutor.java:138) - exec() - started
2017-01-14T07:59:16.799Z INFO  [Stroom P2 #5 - GenericServerTask] server.ProxyAggregationExecutor$2 (ProxyAggregationExecutor.java:203) - processFeedFiles() - Started TEST-FEED-V1_0 (3 Files)
2017-01-14T07:59:16.909Z INFO  [Stroom P2 #5 - GenericServerTask] server.ProxyAggregationExecutor$2 (ProxyAggregationExecutor.java:265) - processFeedFiles() - Completed TEST-FEED-V1_0 in 110 ms
2017-01-14T07:59:16.997Z INFO  [Stroom P2 #10 - LifecycleTask] server.ProxyAggregationExecutor (ProxyAggregationExecutor.java:152) - exec() - completed in 310 ms

And on refreshing the top pane of the TEST-FEED-V1_0 tab we see that two more batches of data have arrived.


Stroom UI Test Feed - Proxy Aggregated data arrival

This demonstrates that Proxy Aggregation is working.

Stroom Forwarding Proxy Testing

Data Post Tests

Simple Post tests

This test is to ensure the Stroom Forwarding proxy and it’s connection to the central Stroom Processing system is working.

We will send a file to our Forwarding proxy (stroomfp0.strmdev00.org) and monitor this nodes’ proxy log files as well as all the destination nodes proxy log files. The reason for monitoring all the destination system’s proxy log files is that the destination system is probably load balancing and hence the forwarded file may turn up on any of the destination nodes.

Perform the following

  • Log onto any host where you will perform the curl post
  • Monitor all proxy log files
  • Log onto the Forwarding Proxy node and become the stroomuser and monitor the Stroom proxy service using the Tp bash macro.
  • Log onto the destination Stroom nodes and become the stroomuser and monitor each node’s Stroom proxy service using the Tp bash macro. That is, on each node, run
sudo -i -u stroomuser
  • On the ‘posting’ node, run the command
curl -k --data-binary @/etc/group "https://stroomfp0.strmdev00.org/stroom/datafeed" -H "Feed:TEST-FEED-V1_0" -H "System:EXAMPLE_SYSTEM" -H "Environment:EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT"

In the Stroom Forwarding proxy log, ~/stroom-proxy/instance/logs/stroom.log, you will see the arrival of the file as per the datafeed.DataFeedRequestHandler$1 event running under, in this case, the ajp-apr-9009-exec-1 thread.

2017-01-01T23:17:00.240Z INFO  [Repository Reader Thread 1] handler.ProxyRepositoryReader (ProxyRepositoryReader.java:143) - run() - Cron Match at 2017-01-01T23:17:00.240Z
2017-01-01T23:18:00.275Z INFO  [Repository Reader Thread 1] handler.ProxyRepositoryReader (ProxyRepositoryReader.java:143) - run() - Cron Match at 2017-01-01T23:18:00.275Z
2017-01-01T23:18:12.367Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-1] datafeed.DataFeedRequestHandler$1 (DataFeedRequestHandler.java:104) - "doPost() - Took 782 ms to process (concurrentRequestCount=1) 200","Environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT","Expect=100-continue","Feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0","GUID=9601198e-98db-4cae-8b71-9404722ef1f9","ReceivedTime=2017-01-01T23:18:11.588Z","RemoteAddress=","RemoteHost=","System=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM","accept=*/*","content-length=1051","content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded","host=stroomfp0.strmdev00.org","user-agent=curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 NSS/3.21 Basic ECC zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.4.2"

And then at the next periodic interval (60 second intervals) this file will be forwarded to the main stroom proxy server stroomp.strmdev00.org as shown by the handler.ForwardRequestHandler events running under the pool-10-thread-2 thread.

2017-01-01T23:19:00.304Z INFO  [Repository Reader Thread 1] handler.ProxyRepositoryReader (ProxyRepositoryReader.java:143) - run() - Cron Match at 2017-01-01T23:19:00.304Z
2017-01-01T23:19:00.586Z INFO  [pool-10-thread-2] handler.ForwardRequestHandler (ForwardRequestHandler.java:109) - handleHeader() - https://stroomp00.strmdev00.org/stroom/datafeed Sending request {ReceivedPath=stroomfp0.strmdev00.org, Feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0, Compression=ZIP}
2017-01-01T23:19:00.990Z INFO  [pool-10-thread-2] handler.ForwardRequestHandler (ForwardRequestHandler.java:89) - handleFooter() - b5722ead-714b-411b-a09f-901fb8b20389 took 403 ms to forward 1.4 kB response 200 - {ReceivedPath=stroomfp0.strmdev00.org, Feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0, GUID=b5722ead-714b-411b-a09f-901fb8b20389, Compression=ZIP}
2017-01-01T23:20:00.064Z INFO  [Repository Reader Thread 1] handler.ProxyRepositoryReader (ProxyRepositoryReader.java:143) - run() - Cron Match at 2017-01-01T23:20:00.064Z

On one of the central processing nodes, when the file is send by the Forwarding Proxy, you will see the file’s arrival as per the datafeed.DataFeedRequestHandler$1 event in the ajp-apr-9009-exec-3 thread.

2017-01-01T23:00:00.236Z INFO  [Repository Reader Thread 1] handler.ProxyRepositoryReader (ProxyRepositoryReader.java:143) - run() - Cron Match at 2017-01-01T23:00:00.236Z
2017-01-01T23:10:00.473Z INFO  [Repository Reader Thread 1] handler.ProxyRepositoryReader (ProxyRepositoryReader.java:143) - run() - Cron Match at 2017-01-01T23:10:00.473Z
2017-01-01T23:19:00.787Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-3] handler.LogRequestHandler (LogRequestHandler.java:37) - log() - guid=b5722ead-714b-411b-a09f-901fb8b20389,feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0,system=null,environment=null,remotehost=null,remoteaddress=null
2017-01-01T23:19:00.981Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-3] datafeed.DataFeedRequestHandler$1 (DataFeedRequestHandler.java:104) - "doPost() - Took 196 ms to process (concurrentRequestCount=1) 200","Cache-Control=no-cache","Compression=ZIP","Feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0","GUID=b5722ead-714b-411b-a09f-901fb8b20389","ReceivedPath=stroomfp0.strmdev00.org","Transfer-Encoding=chunked","accept=text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2","connection=keep-alive","content-type=application/audit","host=stroomp00.strmdev00.org","pragma=no-cache","user-agent=Java/1.8.0_111"
2017-01-01T23:20:00.771Z INFO  [Repository Reader Thread 1] handler.ProxyRepositoryReader (ProxyRepositoryReader.java:143) - run() - Cron Match at 2017-01-01T23:20:00.771Z

Stroom Standalone Proxy Testing

Data Post Tests

Simple Post tests

This test is to ensure the Stroom Store NODB or Standalone proxy is working.

We will send a file to our Standalone proxy (stroomsap0.strmdev00.org) and monitor this nodes’ proxy log files as well the directory the received files are meant to be stored in.

Perform the following

  • Log onto any host where you will perform the curl post
  • Log onto the Standalone Proxy node and become the stroomuser and monitor the Stroom proxy service using the Tp bash macro. That is run
sudo -i -u stroomuser
  • On the ‘posting’ node, run the command
curl -k --data-binary @/etc/group "https://stroomsap0.strmdev00.org/stroom/datafeed" -H "Feed:TEST-FEED-V1_0" -H "System:EXAMPLE_SYSTEM" -H "Environment:EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT"

In the stroom proxy log, ~/stroom-proxy/instance/logs/stroom.log, you will see the arrival of the file via both the handler.LogRequestHandler and datafeed.DataFeedRequestHandler$1 events running under, in this case, the ajp-apr-9009-exec-1 thread.

2017-01-02T02:10:00.325Z INFO  [Repository Reader Thread 1] handler.ProxyRepositoryReader (ProxyRepositoryReader.java:143) - run() - Cron Match at 2017-01-02T02:10:00.325Z
2017-01-02T02:11:34.501Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-1] handler.LogRequestHandler (LogRequestHandler.java:37) - log() - guid=ebd11215-7d4c-4be6-a524-358015e2ac38,feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0,system=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM,environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT,remotehost=,remoteaddress=
2017-01-02T02:11:34.528Z INFO  [ajp-apr-9009-exec-1] datafeed.DataFeedRequestHandler$1 (DataFeedRequestHandler.java:104) - "doPost() - Took 33 ms to process (concurrentRequestCount=1) 200","Environment=EXAMPLE_ENVIRONMENT","Expect=100-continue","Feed=TEST-FEED-V1_0","GUID=ebd11215-7d4c-4be6-a524-358015e2ac38","ReceivedTime=2017-01-02T02:11:34.501Z","RemoteAddress=","RemoteHost=","System=EXAMPLE_SYSTEM","accept=*/*","content-length=1051","content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded","host=stroomsap0.strmdev00.org","user-agent=curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 NSS/3.21 Basic ECC zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.4.2"

Further, if you check the proxy’s storage directory, you will see the file 001.zip. The file names number upwards from 001.

ls -l /stroomdata/stroom-working-sap0/proxy


[stroomuser@stroomsap0 ~]$ ls -l /stroomdata/stroom-working-sap0/proxy
total 4
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stroomuser stroomuser 1107 Jan  2 13:11 001.zip
[stroomuser@stroomsap0 ~]$ 

On viewing the contents of this file we see both a .dat and .meta file.

[stroomuser@stroomsap0 ~]$ (cd /stroomdata/stroom-working-sap0/proxy; unzip 001.zip)
Archive:  001.zip
  inflating: 001.dat                 
  inflating: 001.meta                
[stroomuser@stroomsap0 ~]$

The .dat file holds the content of the file we posted - /etc/group.

[stroomuser@stroomsap0 ~]$ (cd /stroomdata/stroom-working-sap0/proxy; head -5 001.dat)
[stroomuser@stroomsap0 ~]$ 

The .meta file is generated by the proxy and holds information about the posted file

[stroomuser@stroomsap0 ~]$ (cd /stroomdata/stroom-working-sap0/proxy; cat 001.meta)
user-agent:curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 NSS/3.21 Basic ECC zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.4.2
[stroomuser@stroomsap0 ~]$ (cd /stroomdata/stroom-working-sap0/proxy; rm 001.meta 001.dat)
[stroomuser@stroomsap0 ~]$ 
Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.7' into 7.8 (9d9eb5e)