Node Cluster URL Setup

Configuring Stroom cluster URLs

In a Stroom cluster, Nodes are expected to communicate with each other on port 8080 over http. To facilitate this, we need to set each node’s Cluster URL and the following demonstrates this process.


  • an account with the Administrator Application Permission is currently logged in.
  • we have a multi node Stroom cluster with two nodes, stroomp00 and stroomp01
  • appropriate firewall configurations have been made
  • in the scenario of adding a new node to our multi node deployment, the node added will be stroomp02

Configure Two Nodes

To configure the nodes, move to the Monitoring item of the Main Menu and select it to bring up the Monitoring sub-menu.


Stroom UI Monitoring sub-menu

then move down and select the Nodes sub-item to be presented with the Nodes configuration tab as seen below.


Stroom UI Node Management - management tab

To set stroomp00’s Cluster URL, move the it’s line in the display and select it. It will be highlighted.


Stroom UI Node Management - select first node

Then move the cursor to the Edit Node icon in the top left of the Nodes tab and select it. On selection the Edit Node configuration window will be displayed and into the Cluster URL: entry box, enter the first node’s URL of


Stroom UI Node Management - set clustercall url for first node

then press the OK at which we see the Cluster URL has been set for the first node as per


Stroom UI Node Management - set clustercall url on first node

We next select the second node


Stroom UI Node Management - select second node

then move the cursor to the Edit Node icon in the top left of the Nodes tab and select it. On selection the Edit Node configuration window will be displayed and into the Cluster URL: entry box, enter the second node’s URL of


Stroom UI Node Management - set clustercall url for second node

then press the OK button.

At this we will see both nodes have the Cluster URLs set.


Stroom UI Node Management - both nodes setup

You may need to press the Refresh icon found at top left of Nodes configuration tab, until both nodes show healthy pings.


Stroom UI Node Management - both nodes ping

If you do not get ping results for each node, then they are not configured correctly. In that situation, review all log files and processes that you have performed.

Once you have set the Cluster URLs of each node you should also set the master assignment priority for each node to be different to all of the others. In the image above both have been assigned equal priority - 1. We will change stroomp00 to have a different priority - 3. You should note that the node with the highest priority gains the Master node status.


Stroom UI Node Management - set node priorities

Configure New Node

When one expands a Multi Node Stroom cluster deployment, after the installation of the Stroom Proxy and Application software and services on the new node, one has to configure the new node’s Cluster URL.

To configure the new node, move to the Monitoring item of the Main Menu and select it to bring up the Monitoring sub-menu.


Stroom UI Monitoring sub-menu

then move down and select the Nodes sub-item to be presented with the Nodes configuration tab as seen below.


Stroom UI New Node Management - management tab

To set stroomp02’s Cluster URL, move the it’s line in the display and select it. It will be highlighted.


Stroom UI Node Management - select new node

Then move the cursor to the Edit Node icon in the top left of the Nodes tab and select it. On selection the Edit Node configuration window will be displayed and into the Cluster URL: entry box, enter the first node’s URL of


Stroom UI New Node Management - set clustercall url for new node

then press the OK button at which we see the Cluster URL has been set for the first node as per


Stroom UI New Node Management - set clustercall url on new node

You need to press the Refresh icon found at top left of Nodes configuration tab, until the new node shows a healthy ping.


Stroom UI New Node Management - all nodes ping

If you do not get a ping results for the new node, then it is not configured correctly. In that situation, review all log files and processes that you have performed.

Once you have set the Cluster URL you should also set the master assignment priority for each node to be different to all of the others. In the image above both stroomp01 and the new node, stroomp02, have been assigned equal priority - 1. We will change stroomp01 to have a different priority - 2. You should note that the node with the highest priority maintains the Master node status.


Stroom UI New Node Management - set node priorities

Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.7' into 7.8 (9d9eb5e)