Task Management

This HOWTO demonstrates how to manage background tasks.

Various Tasks run in the background within Stroom. This HOWTO demonstrates how to manage these tasks


  • All Sections
  • Proxy Aggregation Tasks
    • we have a multi node Stroom cluster with two nodes, stroomp00 and stroomp01.
  • Stream Processor Tasks
    • we have a multi node Stroom cluster with two nodes, stroomp00 and stroomp01.
    • when demonstrating adding a new node to an existing cluster, the new node is stroomp02.

Proxy Aggregation

Turn Off Proxy Aggregation

We first select the Monitoring item of the Main Menu to bring up the Monitoring sub-menu.


Stroom UI Monitoring sub-menu

then move down and select the Jobs sub-item to be presented with the Jobs configuration tab as seen below.


Stroom UI Jobs Management - management tab

At this we can select the Proxy Aggregation Job whose check-box is selected and the tab will show the individual Stroom Processor nodes in the deployment.


Stroom UI Jobs Management - Proxy Aggregation Job

At this, uncheck the Enabled check-boxes for both nodes and also the main Proxy Aggregation check-box to see.


Stroom UI Jobs Management - Proxy Aggregation Job Off

At this point, no new proxy aggregation will occur and any inbound files received by the Store Proxies will accumulate in the proxy storage area.

Turn On Proxy Aggregation

We first select the Monitoring item of the Main Menu to bring up the Monitoring sub-menu.


Stroom UI Monitoring sub-menu

then move down and select the Jobs sub-item then select the Proxy Aggregation Job to be presented with the Jobs configuration tab as seen below.


Stroom UI Jobs Management - Proxy Aggregation Job Off

Now, re-enable each node’s Proxy Aggregation check-box and the main Proxy Aggregation check-box.

After checking the check-boxes, perform a refresh of the display by pressing the Refresh icon .

on the top right of the lower (node display) pane. You should note the Last Executed date/time change to see


Stroom UI Test Feed - Re-enable Proxy Aggregation

Stream Processors

Enable Stream Processors

To enable the Stream Processors task, move to the Monitoring item of the Main Menu and select it to bring up the Monitoring sub-menu.


Stroom UI Monitoring sub-menu

then move down and select the Jobs sub-item to be presented with the Jobs configuration tab as seen below.


Stroom UI Jobs Management - management tab

At this, we select the Stream Processor Job whose check-box is not selected and the tab will show the individual Stroom Processor nodes in the Stroom deployment.


Stroom UI Jobs Management - Stream Processor

Clearly, if it was a single node Stroom deployment, you would only see the one node at the bottom of the Jobs configuration tab.

We enable nodes nodes by selecting their check-boxes as well as the main Stream Processors check-box. Do so.


Stroom UI Jobs Management - Stream Processor enabled

That is it. Stroom will automatically take note of these changes and internally start each node’s Stroom Processor task.

Enable Stream Processors On New Node

When one expands a Multi Node Stroom cluster deployment, after the installation of the Stroom Proxy and Application software and services on the new node, we need to enable it’s Stream Processors task.

To enable the Stream Processors for this new node, move to the Monitoring item of the Main Menu and select it to bring up the Monitoring sub-menu.


Stroom UI Monitoring sub-menu

then move down and select the Jobs sub-item to be presented with the Jobs configuration tab as seen below.


Stroom UI Jobs Management - management tab

At this we select the Stream Processor Job whose check-box is selected


Stroom UI Jobs Management - Stream Processor new node

We enable the new node by selecting it’s check-box.


Stroom UI Jobs Management - Stream Processor enabled on new node
Last modified February 11, 2025: Merge branch '7.7' into 7.8 (9d9eb5e)