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In this folder you can find the required files for building and running Gaffer Accumulo and Gaffer in Docker containers.

The Docker image uses the Gaffer Accumulo image with the Gaffer iterators added in. When run with docker compose it will provide you a full accumulo ecosystem complete with hdfs and the Gaffer REST API.

Running Locally

The easiest way to build and run these services is to use docker compose, by running the following from this directory:

docker compose up

Customising the build

To add your own libraries into the build, you can add files to the /files directory these will automatically be added to accumulo’s /opt/accumulo/lib/ext directory when you bring the containers up.

Containers that are started:

Access the HDFS NameNode web UI at: http://localhost:9870

Access the Accumulo Monitor UI at: http://localhost:9995

Access the Gaffer REST API at: http://localhost:8080/rest/