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Gaffer REST

In this folder you can find the required files for building and running Gaffer REST image for the REST API for Gaffer.


The image is based off Gaffer’s spring-rest module. It runs a Gaffer REST API using a few different files.

The store properties file tells Gaffer how to store its data. You have to provide a store class and store properties class. To keep this image small, the only store that is supported is the MapStore which is an in-memory store. A default is provided in /gaffer/store/


The Schema files make up a Gaffer schema which tells Gaffer what datasets are stored in your graph. It contains type information which a store may use to serialise and aggregate the data. You can put the whole schema in one file or split it up into as many as you choose. A basic schema is provided in /gaffer/schema by default


The Graph config tells Gaffer what the graph is called as well as any hooks to run before an operation chain is run. A default is provided at /gaffer/graph/graphConfig.json

This is a spring concept and is used to change the context root and any properties related to Gaffer or the app. A default is provided at /gaffer/config/

Running Locally

The easiest way to build and run these services is to use docker compose, by running the following from this directory:

docker compose up

Customising your builds

We provide the options to build using an official release, a branch or a custom runnable rest.jar file The order it will check is:

  1. Custom “rest.jar” file stored in “/jars”
  2. official release
  3. branch

To use a release or branch, set the GAFFER_VERSION property in env before running the docker compose build command.

We also provide the option to include custom libraries in the /jars/lib directory. These will be added to the classpath at runtime.

Containers that are started:

Access the Gaffer REST API at: http://localhost:8080/rest/