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gafferpy Jupyter Notebook

In this folder you can find the required files for building and running a Gaffer PySpark Jupyter Notebook.

This extends scipy-notebook to include:

Some example notebooks that demonstrate how to query Gaffer and use Spark are available at /examples.

Running Locally on a Single Node

The easiest way to build and run these services locally is to use docker compose, by running the following from this directory:

docker compose up

Containers that are started:

Access the HDFS NameNode web UI at: http://localhost:9870

Access the Accumulo Monitor UI at: http://localhost:9995

Access the Gaffer REST API at: http://localhost:8080/rest/

Access the Jupyter Notebook at: http://localhost:8888

To access the notebook, you have to produce an autogenerated token. You can retrieve this token by running docker compose exec notebook jupyter notebook list

Running on a Kubernetes cluster

See the gaffer-jhub Helm Chart