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Gaffer Options Server for JupyterHub

This folder contains the files required to create a JupyterHub Options Server. This is used by Helm and will not work properly without being run using the helm charts in kubernetes/gaffer-jhub.

This ‘options server’ works in cooperation with JupyterHub to allow pre-configured notebook instances to be provisioned for users so that they can easily interact with HDFS and Gaffer instances.

It connects to a Kubernetes API and monitors the cluster for any:

A JupyterHub instance, using a custom KubeSpawner, can make a HTTP call to /options to retrieve HTML that it can use to display a form that allows users to specify:

Once the user has completed the form, the custom KubeSpawner should submit their choices to /prespawn. The options server will then provision any required resources (e.g. a ConfigMap containing Hadoop configuration) and return additional configuration that should be applied to the notebook pod, such as:

Running Locally

If you do want to run these containers using Docker you can, by running the following from this directory:

docker compose up