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Gaffer Integration Tests

In this folder you can find the required Dockerfile for running integration tests against an Accumulo cluster. This is used by the Helm scripts, as well as the docker compose file provided.

Running Locally

The easiest way to build and run these services is to use docker compose, by running the following from this directory:

docker compose up

Customising the build

You can customise the store properties that will get used by the tests by providing some at /tests/conf/
If you are using the docker compose, these can be found in conf/

Additionally, you can change the various versions with the following environment variables (found in .env):

Containers that are started:

Access the HDFS NameNode web UI at: http://localhost:9870

Access the Accumulo Monitor UI at: http://localhost:9995

Check the integration test logs with: docker logs gaffer-integration-tests_gaffer-integration-tests_1