Object Types

Object types used to describe the entity or entities that are the subject of an event.

When describing what happened in an event there is usually an entity or entities involved in the event, e.g. a user deleting a document, sending an email, creating a virtual session, etc. The majority of the schema actions support acting on one or more instances of the MultiObjectComplexType, this structure describes a choice of the following entity types:

Where the entity involved in the event cannot be described by one of the predefined categories in this structure then the <Object> structure can be used as a last resort.

Common Structural Elements

The following elements are common to all of the above object types;

  • Type - The type of the object in question and specific to the object type from the list above, e.g. a <Resource> object may have a type such as ‘image’ or ‘script’
  • Id - An identifier for the object, e.g a document ID in a document management system
  • Name - The name of the object, e.g. a filename
  • Description - Human readable description of what the object is
  • Classification - Any classification or restrictions placed on the object, e.g. for commercially sensitive reports or user health records (see Basic Structure)
  • State - Any state information about the object, e.g. ‘Archived’
  • Groups - Any groups associated with the object, e.g. group membership of a user account
  • Permissions - Any permissions associated with the object, e.g. write access being granted to a list of named users or groups
  • Data - An extensible structure for additional unstructured data as described in Unstructured Data
  • Meta - An extensible structure for structured meta data as described in Meta Element


A resource within a web site or web application, e.g. an HTML file.

Search Results

A set of search results that are independent of the query that generated them.


Any kind of shortcut or symbolic link.


Describes a user or user account in a system.

Virtual Session

A screen sharing or remote desktop session.


A Voice over IP call.


Any form of association between other objects.


A banner of pop-up displayed to the user.


A single chat message in an instant message application.


Configuration for a system or piece of hardware.


The criteria used in a filter or query.


Any form of digital document.


An email that has been sent or received.


Any kind of file on a file system.



A grouping of other objects, e.g. a group of users.

Group Chat

A chat message sent to/from a chat room/group.


A generic object type for anything not covered by the other object types.

Last modified November 29, 2023: Update oxygen_schema_docs.md (85e195a)