Import / Export

The action of importing or exporting something.

The <Import> and <Export> elements are used to describe import and export operations. They both contain the same element structure and describe the source and destination for the import/export event. This allows for the source and destination to be of different types, e.g. exporting a search result to a file.


  • Import
    • Data being imported into an application, such that the application now controls that data.
    • Data being imported onto a host (and thereby the host’s network) from removable media.
  • Export
    • Data being exported from an application, e.g. exporting a record as a PDF document.
    • Data being exported onto removable media.

The following example shows an export event that has failed due to a lack of necessary permissions.

        <Title>My Big Document</Title>
      <Description>User does not have write permissions to /file/system/path/</Description>
Last modified November 29, 2023: Update (85e195a)