
Glossary of common words, terms and abreviations used in Stroom.


Access Control List. A list or rules specifying which users, groups or systems are allowed (or deined) access to a particular object or resource.


Application Programming Interface. A software interface used with two applications or systems communicate.


Create, Read, Update, Delete. Often used to describe the typical actions a user can perform in a system, e.g. creating a record, deleting a record, etc.


LDAP Distinguished Name.


The process of augmenting an event record with additional information obtained from other systems using key identifiers in the event. For example resolving an FQDN in an asset management database to provide location details.


Fully Qualified Domain Name or Absolute Domain Name.


Greenwich Mean Time was the former international time standard, now replaced by UTC .


Hyper Text Markup Language.


Instant Message or Online Chat. A form of real time messaging between users or groups of users.


Internet Protocol. The network protocol that backs the Internet.


The international standard for representing dates and times. ISO-8601 has a number of valid formats however the Schema uses only the full date and time format in UTC with fractional seconds, i.e.:


See Date and Time Fields for more detail on the format used in the Schema.

For more general information on ISO-8601 see Wikipedia .


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. An open industry standard for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over a network.


Machine Access Control. The MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller. It allows a network attached device to be uniquely identified by the network adapter/controller that connects it to the network.


Network Time protocol. A protocol for clock synchronisation between computer systems. Typically a computer will synchronise its clock using a trusted NTP server.

Object Type

Within an event, this is the type of the object/entity that is the subject of the event. Examples of Object Type are <File>, <User>, etc.

See Object Types


Public Key Infrastructure. A set of roles, policies, software and hardware used to use and manage digital certificates and public key encryption. Public key infrastructure will typically involve public keys, private keys and trusted certificate authorities.

Schema Action

This is essentially the verb or action of the event, e.g. <Create>, <Search>, etc. Every event must have a schema action that describes what the user is doing.

See Schema Actions


Coordinated Universal Time. The international standard for regulating clocks with a time-zone offset of 0. The successor to GMT Sometimes referred to as Zulu time.

For more detail on UTC see UTC .


Voice Over Internet Protocol or IP Telephony. The method of delivering voice communications over the internet or a local intranet rather than a traditional Public Switched Telephone Network.

Last modified November 29, 2023: Update (85e195a)