Release Process

How to release a new version of the schema.

Release considerations

Before releasing a new version of the schema you need to consider the impact of the changes in the new release. A change to the schema can make documents that were valid against the current version no longer valid when validated with the new version. This would be classed as a breaking change.

A non-exhaustive list of examples of changes that are considered breaking with respect to XML documents being validated against the schema:

  • New mandatory xs:element or xs:attribute
  • Removal of an existing xs:element or xs:attribute
  • Removal of an existing xs:choice item
  • Changing an existing xs:element to be mandatory
  • Changing the position of an element within an xs:sequence
  • Changing the position of an attribute within an xs:element
  • Renaming an xs:element or xs:attribute
  • Change to an element/attribute’s enumeration/pattern that would invalidate formally valid values

An indirect breaking change also occurs when the schema is changed in a way that results in a breaking change to the event-logging Java library. The event-logging Java library consists of Java code that is auto-generated from the schema. If for example a complex type in the schema is renamed then this would result in a Java class being renamed and this would be a breaking change for any client systems that use the library.

A non-exhaustive list of examples of changes that are considered breaking with respect to the event-logging Java library are:

  • All changes listed above that are breaking for an XML document
  • Renaming a complex type
  • Renaming a simple type

Version number

The changes made to the schema will dictate the version number. The event-logging schema follows Semantic Versioning , i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. A MAJOR change is one that is breaking in terms of XML documents that validate with the schema, e.g. the removal of an element. A MINOR change is a non-breaking structural change, e.g. the addition of an optional element. A PATCH change is a very minor non-structural change, e.g. adding/updating an element’s annotation.

A change that would break the event-logging Java library but not XML documents, e.g. the rename of a complex type, does not require a change to the MAJOR version part. In this instance the event-logging library would be released with its version indicating a MAJOR change.

The version number should be of one of these forms

  • v<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH> - e.g. v4.1.2
  • v<MAJOR>.<MINOR>-beta.NN - e.g. v4.2-beta.1

Beta versions can be used when you need to release a version to trial new changes. With a beta version it is accepted that each iteration of the MAJOR.MINOR beta may be breaking with respect to previous iterations of that beta, e.g. one beta iteration adds a new element then a subsequent iteration removes it.

Namespace version

Strictly speaking the namespace version in the schema (e.g. event-logging:3) should be changed for each MAJOR version change, however changing the namespace currently causes significant pain within Stroom so for now the namespace version will stay at 3 and be out of step with the MAJOR version.


Any changes to the schema should be fully documented. This includes documentation in the schema in the form of element annotations and changes/additions to the documentation site in ./docs. All of the documentation source files should be applicable to one minor version of the schema, so any additions/changes/removals to the schema should be reflected in the documentation.

The annotations in the schema are used to generate Javadoc in the event-logging Java library so it is key that they are as thorough as possible.

Release branches

To allow us to support multiple versions of the schema there will be a git branch for each minor release, e.g. 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, etc. Due to the way that the documentation is tied to release branch names all releases of the schema MUST be released from the appropriate release branch, e.g. tag/version v4.1.2 from branch 4.1.

Release Steps

  1. Decide what the new version number will be based on the changes made, see Version number above.
  2. Ensure all required changes have been made to event-logging.xsd with any new elements suitably annotated.
    1. Change the version attribute to the intended version number, e.g. 4.1.2
    2. Change the id attribute to the intended version number, e.g. event-logging-v4.1.2
    3. Change the single enumeration in VersionSimplType to match the new version number.
  3. Ensure all required changes have been made to the documentation.
  4. Run the build for a set version number to ensure the CI build will pass, e.g.
    ./gradlew clean build -Pversion=v4.1.2
    When the build runs it will do the following:
    • Validate the version numbers in the master schema file against the gradle version argument.
    • Run the transformer pipelines to generate the various schema varients (including validating them).
    • Compare the generated schemas with the ones from the latest release so you can check what has changed.
  5. Ensure all changes to the schema have been logged with ./
  6. Add a page to releases section of the documentation for the version being released.
  7. Commit and push all the changes.
  8. Tag the release using ./ which will initiate the CI release process.
  9. Add the new schema to stroom-content
    1. Copy the new schema file into stroom-content/source/event-logging-xml-schema/stroomContent/XML Schemas/event-logging/ naming it something like event-logging
    2. Copy the latest .XMLSchema.xml files into one named for the new version, e.g. event-logging v4.1.2.XMLSchema.xml
    3. Edit this new .XMLSchema.xml file:
      1. Update the <name> tag to reflect the new version number
      2. If the major version number has changed update the <namespaceURI> tag with the new major version number
      3. Update the <systemId> tag to reflect the new version number
      4. Replace the content of the <uuid> tag with a newly generated UUID. You can use the linux binary uuidgen to generate a new UUID.
    4. Update the file in stroom-content/source/event-logging-xml-schema/, probably copying the content from the CHANGELOG in the event-logging-schema git repo.
    5. Run the build to build the new pack
    6. Commit and push the changes
    7. In GitHUb create a new release for the updated pack.
  10. Update the version numbers in event-logging.xsd
    1. Change the version attribute to the next intended version number with a SNAPSHOT suffix, e.g. 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
    2. Change the id attribute to the next intended version number with a SNAPSHOT suffix, e.g. event-logging-v4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
    3. Commit and push the change
Last modified November 29, 2023: Update (85e195a)